I think this video is too long – I may well make a 5 minute summary video and do one on swapping the rear tailgate actuator. This part is for sale on our website
To see Land Rover Passion website please visit ( for EU customers ? )
That's a lot of work! But it is worth. In USA the assembly comes without the black cover, much easier to open in an emergency case.
Hello friend, where can I buy this manual actuator?
Great Screenshots
Did modification and top tailgate is not closing fully half the time. What needs adjusted so it locks consistently?
Thank you – I did it with my Lr4 and it works. now im going to do my LR3
What use is a subwoofer under the carpet? i had same problem on mt D3, found a good video where you press both unlock and lock buttons on dash and hold. If actuator is working, it opens partly. Then wedge open and repeat, or get another person and pull as buttons are pressed. My actuator is working and ordered a new switch today.
Thx for the video, I installed mine today and it came out prefect.
Once you have removed the lower tailgate carpet, I recommend temporarily putting one stay white and ball back on to prevent the foot paint getting soiled, if the white foam you have used should slip off the bumper.
I have had similar problems on my 2005 LR3.
A couple of years ago my upper tailgate switch stopped working. Managed to doctor the switch and fit a simple press button ‘horn’ type switch, still fully enclosed behind the rubber cover that protected the original micro switch.
But just recently it stopped working again, due to badly corroded wires leading to the switch. I cut out all the rot and replaced it with new wires, tapped it all up to prevent moisture ingress and now it works fine again.
However, due to the age of the vehicle, just in case the actuator fails , I have also attached a Bowden cable from an old bicycle brakes to the actuator mechanism, using and M6 bolt, nyloc nut and 2 washers to act as the clamp joining the Bowden cable to the original.
I tink i would have re drilled the holes in the lift , Great job
Excellent Video as always lads !
Hello Simon… a quick question if you don't mind…. would it be possible to buy a copy of the 5mm tool you used as I do not have access to a workshop ?
In the grand scheme of things, the price is irrelevant.
Best Regards M.J.Liptrot
Where can I purchase this Manual Release?
That handle and cable looks a lot like those used on reclining armchairs. Just saying….
Any suggestions to actually get the boot open to do this ?, I’ve tried with the engine on , still nothing ..actuator is not having any of it !
Great video…..what i would like to know is if the car is deadlocked (no doors open from inside) can the tail gate still be opened when locked ??
I can hear something working but I can’t open the top hatch, is this the actuator that’s failed or the switch? I want to make sure I do the roughy steps and not mess it up more
I can’t believe
great job simon and camera man watching you guys from jamaica
Great demo, I will do it too
Really enjoyed watching alterations… now have to sort out my top tailgate by taking it back to garage that just sold it!
Apparently the 120 check didn't find it amongst others!
Thank you
Exelent vieo as always. Now my 8 years old kid will have a new toy handle to play with, while Im driving at 120 KPH on the higway.
Great video
afraid i fell asleep with boredom watching this bodger
Great video and most instructive however if the actuator fails with the back locked and the upper door down there is no way to get at the screws that hold the top cover of the carpet. In my case the only way to access the actuator and replace it was by cutting a hole in the lower door lining above the actuator which then needed to be replaced or repaired. This item would be excellent as a safety precaution in case of a failure. Enjoy your wry humour.