frickin' LASER BEAMS #automobile #car #diy #ford #shorts

frickin' LASER BEAMS #automobile #car #diy #ford #shorts


@williamwarner3982 says:

2 lean one doing nothing.

@survivalest3030 says:

Laser is useless you still don't really know. Lmao stick a long screwdriver on then press your ear on it I'll know in a a second. Old school!

@datgamerboy123 says:

That first bank ain't rich? Figured all temps should be roughly the same on both banks

@suprestoner says:

Plugs wires cap and rotor usually smartens that up

@carlosanzola2938 says:

What's with the disconnected brake line?

@NathansMoparGarage says:

You are fired

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