STS-1 turn signal Custom buick lesabre 2002

STS-1 turn signal Custom buick lesabre 2002

LED signals, Smoked Housing Megafast13 with the driving 🙂



Fonk Laflare says:

do you have a picture of how your trunk looks 

rytiski says:

Aw damn dats tight!


@TheParts1800 I cut the original signal wire to them, and carried over the
lead from the corners to them.

TheParts1800 says:

@OHBUCKEYESisBACK Thank you for the tip! Looks great!

Adrian Ibarra says:

How did you get thpse on. Please post a vodep on how amd were to get them
please man. I gotta get the.

Eugene Dandridge says:

How did yu change it like that

TheParts1800 says:

How did you modify the center taillights to become Brake/turn signal
lights? Thanks

Judith Rebecca says:

Ok….so what was the point in that? Did u move the lights in purpose or


@gmlrj99 Originally only the outside lights flashed, I wired it so the all
flash, and then made it so they flash sequentially.


@imdahotestnigga I just bought the STS-1 module and wired it in to my lights

Ya_boy12 says:

I went to the website but didnt know which ones ..which ones are they?

MyJumpinjackflash says:

This is a super nice sequential look, can you please send me a schematic or
wiring diagram on how you actually did this PLEASE., I am really impressed,
you said u used the STS-1 module is there any way you can make it easy for
me to do the same thing as well on my Buick La Sabre Ltd…. my email
address is: I hope you would consider helping me, this
is totally ingenious …Kind regards James P.S. what is the part number on
the module …Thanks and take care!!! 🙂

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