Noisy dash, how to support, fix or brace. Volvo 850 – VOTD

Noisy dash, how to support, fix or brace. Volvo 850 – VOTD

Dash braces: 30 to 60 minutes ($10 / $100)

In this video I installed some braces on the ends of my 850 dash pad to support my dash. It has at least 1 bad dash mount and is a little noisy, creaky on the passenger side.

How to remove and repair the dash:



simp man says:

I'm buying a 1997 850 base model for $2500, it only has 53,000 mile on the car, what are some things I can check to make sure it is a good buy as a first car

luucinjsh says:

Cant you just use the original screw, add a bigger washer or use some bigger screw since there is a metal where the screw fixes. so there is no need for extra hole.?!

Brendon Hayes says:

My dash only has one bad mount and the full fix in your dashboard repair video was a little daunting! This is a great alternative – Thanks for sharing!

John Ferguson says:

That is definitely easier than pulling out the dashboard. Squeaks drive my wife crazy and she doesn't give up until they are fixed. She who must be obeyed.

Eric Edmonds says:

you know where the central locking module is located on my 97 850r? my locks are acting up, trying to engage/disengage randomly.

andiamo! says:

Great video, Robert. Have you driven it much since? Did this fix reduce the noise at all?

ex.cxflyr says:

does the original screw go into another plastic piece that is broken behind the dash? I have squeaks coming from the cluster area or behind. Not sure if this fix would help.

zx8401ztv says:

Very neat and hidden support 😀
The drilled strips have been handy for all sorts, i used some years ago to make a bracket for a backbox on my motorbike, not as pretty as a manufacturers product but there wasnt one made for my model, so it was fun with strips 😀
My kawasaki Kh125 wasnt even supported by the haynes manual, an unpopular bike 🙁

TheBimmerphile says:

Absolutely nothing beats a home made low $ fix! Thanks for sharing a great DIY fix that yields great results.

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