How To Install Amplifier on 2007 Volvo S40

How To Install Amplifier on 2007 Volvo S40

THE FIRST AND ONLY VIDEO showing you how to install an amp into a 2005+ model volvo s40. Yes the video is short and doesn’t go into lots of detail, thats bec…



Louisville Bangerz says:

Mitch Kerby
You know im not really sure.. But the space is right next to the grommet on
the firewall. Just drill as big of hole as needed!

Mitch Kerby says:

Hey man, where is the the space to drill through the fire wall? Also do you
know if it is the same, just on the other side (as I live in England and my
car is RHD). But this video really helped me, Thanks bro 

HorneCameron says:

Thanks man.

Louisville Bangerz says:

@S2RDFW Alright bitch then ahow me proof of another bideo on youtubr of a
2005+ volvo s40… I have a limied edition Rockford Fosgate punch 75 25 to
life amp. #1485 or 2500 ever made. And if you dont know that YOU’RE a
dumbass. I solder and heat shrunk ALLLLLLLLL of my wires. Granted it wasnt
the best video yeah but you go the basics of it. I made it because MOST
people know what im talking about. Shut the hell up pussy internet coward

MyNameIdeasWereTaken says:

We need to work on your video skills 😉 Why exactly did you drill through
your firewall? There’s a pass through behind the glove box that we all use
for boost lines. Since you car is automatic, you also have a pass through
where your clutch pedal would go, and that comes out right there in your
battery compartment. On a side note, this is at least helping me get
started. Thanks bud.

Chris Foster says:

@HorrneCameron its on the internet PAIN IN THE ASS to find. Ill find
someway to put a picture of it up for you. Ill send you a message later
with it! Thanks for watching man!

DoubleBubblebitch says:

My shit caught fire as soon as I turned it on.. Thanks bro now my car is a
smoldering wreck in my driveway. I don’t think my insurance covers your

Chris Foster says:

No prob, Please subscribe to me! thanks!

Chris Foster says:

Hey man, I am going to post a new video tomorrow! It will show the wiring
diagram so be sure to watch it! And i will show all of the new updates so
Rate it, Comment on it, and Subscribe. Thanks

Louisville Bangerz says:

@MyNameIdeasWereTaken i know my video skills suck :(. Lol. This is our new
account btw. Anyways, i ran it over on the other side because i didnt wanna
run big gauge wire next to the stock fiberoptics, amp leads, and big wire
cluster thats on the left side of the car. When i do my rebuild in the fall
the battery in the back will sit in the right side of the trunk anyways so
it works out! Plus, no big wire cluster over there. Cake install 🙂

Chris Foster says:

@DoubleBubblebitch You all are fucking dumbasses if you cant figure out how
to install an amp with common sense. I bet you didnt have an inline fuse,
you were using either boss,kicker, or sony equipment, and/or you touched
your power wire to the body of the car. its not that hard to figure out. Go
look at the slideshow, it explains everything better

S2RDFW says:

This is by far the worst video of horse shit by a guy who thinks he knows
it all and says nothiing worth a damb. Only video about this on youtube,
only amp made, i sulder my wires, idiot!!!!! worste of youtube. Rather
watch two girls one cup.

Chris Foster says:

Thanks you all! Let me know if there is anything at all you want to see
done. I just installed some new door speakers on the high performance audio
system. It was tough but its all easy to me know. If theres anything just
let me know!

HorneCameron says:

Where can you find the wiring diagram? Thanks for putting this up too, I’ve
had a really difficult time trying to find anything for a Volvo s40.

MindOfManZaar says:

Your video sucked. For the only video on YouTube, you sure did go into a
loy of detail. Just bought an S60 and I will soon have the only GOOD video
on YouTube on how to install an amp in a Volvo….

Kusmust Leibon says:

this video is total horse shit

Chris Foster says:

@MindOfmanZaar Dude your a spammer, your a dumbass if you cant get the jist
of what i was saying on how to install shit using common sense. Look at the
slide show version. its better

reitrac1442 says:

Excellent video bro!

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