VW DIY – VW Classics with Sloppy Shifting need this.

VW DIY – VW Classics with Sloppy Shifting need this.

The bushing used for the video is made of bronze, the bushing we currently sell is made from Delrin and has a lifetime guarantee.
This video discusses causes of sloppy shifting with classic VW’s.
Also shows a Lifetime Shift Rod Bushing from EV4Unow.com
http://www.EVWorkshops.com or http://www.EV4Unow.com



Sarah Arbogast says:

When we shift into reverse it wont shift back out. Do you think it is an adjustment issue or a bad shift coupler?

Larry Luna says:

Can you weld a new Hanger in with the bushing installed, or do you think the bushing would get distorted?

Junior Classic VW bugs says:

I have a 1971 super beetle do make one for it? How much and how do we get in contact with you?

Brad Kroll-Moutz says:

Excellent tutorial on this issue. Thank you

Slades VW Beetle says:

I would be interested in seeing the tool you have to install it

Bill S says:

Is there a split version that would allow installation without shift rod removal? I just bought a trike that the rod can't be removed.


Do you have to grease the new bushing? The in side of the bushing or the outside where it seats into the bracket

Brett Allen says:

Definitely ordering one

OFFAxisBuild says:

where can you get this bushing?

Steve Mejia says:

Thank you great video mine broke one time but when I was out of town my dad fixed it and never knew what he did on that bug… will buy for my 69 bug that I have now since its a better motor 1835 and I want a smoother shifting thank you again

Edom Lopes says:

Congratulations to the job, although I really like the VW's boxer engine. I really liked your solution to replace this bushing, which is a pain in the neck to put in the place correctly. My great friend +Marcelo Tonella see it!

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