VW A4: Removing Front Brake Pads & Rotor

VW A4: Removing Front Brake Pads & Rotor

Removal of the front brake Rotor & Pads is a straight forward job. Be sure to lift & support the vehicle correctly so that it can not slip / fall on you!!! T…



supermario680 says:

Great video! Love the concept! And yes! I also am very jealous of that
impact Phillips you were hammering on! Sure beats drilling those damn
screws out… Why the hell do they even put those in anyways??

Thomas EXOVCDS says:

Your local parts store should have something like that… if not, ebay.
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment!

TypeTuber says:

Nice job, super fast! Where can I find that hammer-screwdriver you used on
the set screw?

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