How to install a new fuel cap on your VW car

How to install a new fuel cap on your VW car

Broken fuel cap? Lost fuel cap? Try our new replacement for VW cars!



Armando Vega says:

Nice! I was just looking for that yo i gotta get me that for mk4 gti. Keep
up the awesome work

RAND00MI says:

You should do more marketing,you need more viewers in youtube and stuff

Jonathan Borillo says:

If you look at the grooves on the cap you can actually use it to hang on
the lid of the gas tank. Great videos. Looking to do my cv joint sometime

RodriguezInnovations says:

Nope, I sprayed them with Plastidip

RodriguezInnovations says:

I agree, any ideas?

SuperGator69 says:

Sick wheels – is that original paint??

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