Classic VW Beetle Bug How to Sound Deadening Insulation Tip

Classic VW Beetle Bug How to Sound Deadening Insulation Tip In this short Video I show you how to install some sound insulation to really quiet your bug when you are on the road, and do it…



Kevin Morrison says:

Took your advice and my 66 1300 sedan is nice and quiet now. Thanks Chris!

scott magyar says:

Sir been a couple of yrs how’s the quick roof holding up.thks 

Diego Delgado says:

Awesome tip, thanks, definitely doing this.

Marcos Francisco says:

Great Chris… Thanks

Rick Oz says:

Great tip, Chris. You just saved me £100s as I was about to order a load
of the expensive stuff. This stuff is available over this side of the
pond. I will get some at the weekend 🙂

Virux says:

Yo Chris, it’s been 5 years since this video; got any input about the smell?

unsungher018 says:

@brighteyefilms hoe much for 5rolls of quick roof tnx

Inglewood9121 says:

Cant seem to find it anywhere

felipe maldonado says:

Hey chris , I’m doing the whole inside and in the luggage area I’m down to
Barr metal there are some rust spots not to bad some are a lilttle pivided
. What do you recommend clean it up and Por 15 it . Or clean it down and
have my paint guy paint it ? Or can I por 15 then paint over it?

14omega28ok says:

@brighteyefilms The rattling from the Engine

xthermonuclearx says:

Is that carpeting matering that you acquired retain moisture?

unsungher018 says:

@brighteyefilms how much for the quick roof?

Al Namoos says:

great video 😀 keep it up bro

TheAsianAppleGod says:

How did it work for you? I need to know because i’m going to sound deaden
my 04 sport trac XLS

Long Ho says:

anyone do this yet??

linebacker79 says:

Thanks Chris. Used the same stuff today to insulate my car. Has the silver
backing etc. but it goes by a different name. Now I need to do the carpet
padding. What type adhesive do you use for that? Spray on?

shelteru says:

Chris, can I use the Quick Roof under the hood of my car? Do you think the
engine will get to hot? Thanks.

Hummingbirds2009 says:

You are the best Chris!!!!! I love your videos.

Adolfo Avendano says:

damn!, thats better then Dyna mat. That stuff cost alot!.

r0ckworthy says:

Holy crap thank you thank you thank you for this info. This sparks a
revolution in my mind. One quick question: What kind of adhesive would you
suggest using to stick the carpet backing to the top of the Quick Roof? Oh,
and do you think adding two layers of Quick Roof instead of one would make
a noticeable in sound deadening, since it’s so cheap? Thanks so much for
this tutorial, keep up the great work!

Marcus Dyck says:

Thanks for the great vid!

unsungher018 says:

@brighteyefilms how many for the whole interior?… excluding the roof…

MisterFuturtastic says:

Thanks so much for this video… you probably saved me a ton of money… I
have a full size Blazer and that audio enthusiast stuff would have wiped me

Chris Vallone says:

Yes 3M 90

vettemaniac84 says:

this is the smartest thing i’ve ever heard say about anythin! genius!!!

GoatBeardK5 says:

I used Quick Roof on my truck 2 years ago. The only thing I’d recommend is
to put some aluminum tape on each joint. It will help by not letting your
carpet stick to the exposed edges of the Quick Roof. The tape will also
ensure any smell will not come through. I have had no smell issues in 2
years of having it installed in the heat and humidity of AL. It’s awesome!

velandoaunmuerto says:

With only the back of the car, same way as in the video, u think is enough?

77luissal says:

So can it be double layer and how noticeable is the smell

iiFizzYHD says:

@brighteyefilms ah ok and do i do the trunk floor and the wheel well and
the wheel arches?

Ham Bone says:

Thanks a lot for the tips, they’re great.

mwatersh2o says:

put this everywhere but the roof of my 69 bug and it worked great! Thanks
for the great tip. p.s. if anyone is planning on using this on their car,
do it! cheap and effective…

Pedro Valle says:

thx for the tip .. i own a 1995 VW bug i will do that .. great video

juanosevilla says:

Hi Cris, and do you think with double layer of quickroof get better?

vettemaniac84 says:

quick questions involving the exhuast. since these are air-cooled, would
header wrap be a wise choice to keep heat out?

ha hahan says:

Thank you Chris, now i know what i going to do with floor and walls on my
18 wheeler, and hope it will work

Sean Brown says:

thats idiotic of you to say since ANY care can get an exhaust leak and
airbags can become faulty.

Grim1Oi says:

thanx! i appreciate all the great advice!

Grim1Oi says:

do u suggest putting that on the floor pans?

14alero says:

What are they used for or to ask for

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