Toyota Tacoma Driveline Vibration Diagnosis and Repair DIY How To

Toyota Tacoma Driveline Vibration Diagnosis and Repair DIY How To

This video is of a 2005 Toyota Tacoma 4×4 2.7L 4 cylinder 5 speed regular cab standard bed with a drive line vibration. This vibration could be felt more in the seat and the floor than the steering wheel. The vibration started around 35 MPH and was worse when accelerating or decelerating. The vibration would totally go away when the clutch pedal was depressed.

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esbeyda bernabe says:

sounds exactly like a rear end problem

David & Kaicy Dominguez says:

I like the idea of using the ball joint tool. Thanks for the video.

V Onofre says:

Great info. What is the cost of this repair?

David Stanley says:

Toyota has to pay 3.4 million dollars to replace 1.5 million frames in vehicles they sold
stay away from Toyota as they won't be paying that bill their customers will be shafted into paying it.

spelunkerd says:

Another excellent, no fuss video. That's the same kit I use.

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