How To Perfectly Round Off A CV Axle Nut!! #toyota #4Runner #mechanic

How To Perfectly Round Off A CV Axle Nut!! #toyota #4Runner #mechanic


@sonofmontezuma3732 says:

The good ole 12 point in action? 6 point will get her done !!

@TheKrisu091 says:

Thats not 35. Thats mean your socker sucks

@Sci-Mon1 says:

Bro why would you use the wrong socket on such a crucial and large nut? Also use an impact and impact socket for that.

@caseywilbur5912 says:

Put some JB 80 on there Justice Brothers, baby! Let it sit for a day and then put some heat on it.

@austintalley4070 says:

Go to Napa and buy the right tool. Get a cheap set of calipers while you're there and start measuring fastener heads. I've done this job plenty of times. You can put a jack under yhe handle of the breaker bar to lift up on it and loosen the fastener

@GrandPrix46 says:

The size of the socket wasn't the problem, you not applying the force at a 90* angle is why it slipped off. Better to pull up than push down, too.

@malibuman8941 says:

Now that it's rounded, now how would you approach it?

@picklerix6162 says:

I have never really had a problem with these but I always used the proper sized socket and an impact gun.

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