Subaru Impreza Wagon Fix — DIY how to paint a emblem

Subaru Impreza Wagon Fix — DIY how to paint a emblem

Subaru Impreza Wagon Fix — DIY how to paint a emblem / badge

In this Video: How to paint a Subaru Impreza emblem in red.
This is a easy DIY ( Do It Yourself ) job for home.

Grinding with a 2000 sandpaper the backside / paint side.
clean the grinding side , than you can the new colour painting.

powered by: east alps custom

regards eac



Famousstarswp says:

I did this same thing with mine. I used a dremel to get the chrome out of the stars (which was a pain in the ass) So the Stars and now metallic black and the background is metallic orange.. It's definitely a 5 foot mod but it doesn't look too bad.. I'm pretty proud of how well it turned out. Guess I should get some pics up somewhere…

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