Remove Front Bumper Subaru WRX

Remove Front Bumper Subaru WRX

How to remove the front bumper on a Subaru Impreza WRX or STI from the year 2008, 2009, 2010.



lucas young says:

Think am going to make one on my 13 sti this is alittle different. Then the
new years close to the same though.

nopockyforkitteh says:

i was just putting some touch up paint on the bottom of my WRX front bumper
(fixing a ding from bottoming out) and i noticed my whole bumper is pretty
loose. I can wiggle it up and down about a 1/2 inch. Is this normal???

lifemedia says:

so.. just as I was about to say what a great video this is, it ended
without you actually removing the bumper. nice job… almost

Speaks2Much says:

thx man, helped for supertone install

John Keogh says:

This is exactly what I needed to see, just removed a tow ball dent in my
wifes Red 2011 Imprezza RS and it came out nicely, heat gun and a little
soft massage.

jackmankaiser says:

It this method the same for the 08, 09, 10 sti, i need to remove mine
(bumper) to stop the rattle that is driving me crazy!

Douglas Badaszewski says:

thanks – very helpful. I just upgraded to hella horns. way loud!

Davon J says:

i bought a fmic, im scard for somereason im going to break those clip in
parts. do they clip right back in?

xav3x says:

cool thanks! nice lookin’ wrx u have there!

MrAglol says:

make one for the rear to please hahaha:P

csuguy85 says:

Been getting quotes about having my bumper replaced and they quoted over
2hrs to install it, in addition to painting. Glad I saw this first. Shops
are a racket

Matthew Debbink says:

does anyone know how to remove the rear bumper?

afr126 says:

Nice car man. Enjoy!!

bdub232 says:

I’m in the middle of doing this right now- in the cold and dark now- ran
out of light.. to install my sports grill. Damn I though I was going to
break something trying to get that bumper away from fender! I guess I’ll go
back out to finish.. but how do you re-install it? Is there a way to put
enough leverage on there to clip it back into place?

AFewBricksShy says:

Thanks, this actually helped with my LGT bumper removal too.

Baezepal says:

I have a STI 2010 and this video help me a lot to learn how to remove
mine..! Thanks

qwert690 says:

cool if you can do that with an another part it’s gonna be awsome

Zeppelinkix66 says:

very nice! I drive an 09 wrx white wagon 😀 i LOVE her

crfracer7 says:

on my bumper the white clip that you push in isnt holding the bumper in.
its at the back corner of the headlight and it keeps popping out in warm
weather because the plastic gets softer and the clip wont hold the bumper
in. any advice on this issue would be a big help, thanks


You would think in a how-to video you would actually “do”. Why didn’t you
actually remove the bumper?

j5mars says:

so when you remove the bumper the grille comes off with it attached?

camcuber says:

this may sound stupid but how do you install the bumper?

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