How to change headlight in 05 Subaru Legacy GT, sylvania ZXE

How to change headlight in 05 Subaru Legacy GT, sylvania ZXE

Just a quick video showing you how to change/install new headlights. sorry for small format. was filmed on iphone.



ryanboucher13 says:

Thanks your right there is hardly any videos with this exact car and it is
identical to mine so THANKS!! I’ll post vids if I do any mods to mine which
are on the way… As long as I can hide them from my wife…

Playboysmurf1 says:

I just replaced my bulbs today, and that wire clip broke off where the
screw is. Now I will possibly have to take the entire bumper off to fix

Thomas Wheeler says:

Very helpful thanks dude

Keenan G says:

Thanks for the video. I finished both with the exact same bulbs you used
before your video was over. I didn’t have to remove my battery but thanks
again for the help!

Chad H says:

Thanks for the video, good info. I am trying to decide between these and
HID’s from subimods. I would be interested to see a video of your lights at
night and hear your opinion on these lights after you have had them for a
few months.

ichbinthor says:

Awesome! Thanks for the vid…took me ten minutes after watching! Oh and I
did not have to remove the battery, just pushed the wiper fluid port over
after loosening. 🙂

dirtbikes8001 says:

Your a fucking idiot!

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