Vol. 10 OSL: The Saturn Mission: Sega Saturn

Vol. 10 OSL: The Saturn Mission:  Sega Saturn

Another iconic system marred in controversy. The Sega Saturn was and is a great system that had a botched launch and quick death due to it not grabbing enough US attention. Come along with Reub, Wolf and myself as we talk hardware, games and memories.



Whales says:

Good stuff guys! If you haven’t seen all the LAW episodes, I highly encourage you to get caught up. Really good information here!

Endgame Arcade says:

I didn't own a Saturn back in the day as I had a PS1 and my friends had N64s that we traded back and forth, so it was great hearing all about the Sega Saturn from Larson and Wolf as always, but Reuben you STOLE THE SHOW!!! You fit right in and delivered with some very impressive knowledge and fantastic recommendations and I just loved your last couple of 'hidden gem' suggestions, the wealth of knowledge just kept coming! I took a lot of notes and have a lot of games to check out that sound terrific! I really appreciate that you guys do these episodes, they are a joy to watch and the live premiere chats are always a lot of fun as well! Keep up the great work!

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