Sega Saturn Sophia Dev Kit – Another “No Video” Repair

Sega Saturn Sophia Dev Kit – Another “No Video” Repair

My third and final Sophia that was in need of repair. Those blasted caps are replaced and she has video signal (and life) again! I sped this one up a bit sin…



patrikw25 says:

Nice. Are you going på tray to make your own game ? :)

Armando92 says:

thanks for uploading this repairing videos, its always good to have info
like this in case of need.
any reason you used smd caps again for the recap?

Evaldas256 says:

Heh, missed these short videos from you. You ever planing to return to the
music you used to use in these videos: Sony PlayStation [PSone] Internal
Overview ? The song in that video from the bunch is my favorite :)

Shane McRetro says:

The last of the Sega Saturn Sophia dev kits roars to life!

robot797 says:

were do you get all those deff consoles?

Kevin Twiner says:

awesome job Shane really like your work!

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