Replacement Sega Saturn (Sega CD/PS1) Case Foam Inserts – Adam Koralik

Replacement Sega Saturn (Sega CD/PS1) Case Foam Inserts – Adam Koralik I bought some replacement foam inserts for North American style Sega Saturn cases (Sega CD and early Sony PS1 games als…



Al Ugleseth says:

I know a lot of people hate the European Saturn boxes that are made out of
plastic and cardboard, but I acctually like them a lot. All the ones i own
are still in good condition. Nice video, I love this stuff :)

BigOnAnime94 says:

Another thing about those cases, they broke easily. Plenty of the cases I
got are broken (They were like that when I got them). Definitely not a fan
of those.

Also I got a good caption for this video. “Breaking news: Man buys $100
worth of foam.”

Mtjoyc3 says:

my rule is if I’m still regularly thinking of the thing for more than 6
months, I buy regardless of absurdity of investment. At that point, it’s
obviously a disease of the mind that can only be cured with currency.

I hope they gave you free shipping on that shit. Basically an empty box
with weightless packing material.

TheRetroFuzz says:

I was just thinking about those foam pieces. I recently bought Loaded for
the PS1 and In The Hunt for the SS. Both were missing the foam. Glad there
is a solution. Thanks!

Razor Zenon says:

Foamman, Foamman,
Does whatever a foam can.
Spins a sponge, any size,
Catches thieves just like dirt.
Look out! Here comes the Foamman.
Is he strong? Listen bud –
He’s got radioactive blood.
Can he swing from a thread?
Take a look overhead.
Hey there! There goes the Foamman.
In the chill of the night,
At the scene of the crime,
Like a streak of light,
He arrives just in time!
Foamman, Foamman,
Friendly neighborhood Foamman.
Wealth and fame, he’s ignored –
Action is his reward.
To him,
Life is a great big bang-up –
Wherever there’s a hang-up,
You’ll find the Foamman!

MaximumRD says:

Yo dawg…we used foam to pack foam to protect the foam you ordered to
replace your foam…………………

Project COE says:

Lol! Glad Mike finally made an appearance. Was classic. Believe it or not
but I’ve been looking for someone who sold these foam bricks for years now.
My Saturn and CD collections will finally have these awesome foam bricks

GrayStudios says:

It seems like there’s got to be a cheaper way. Like, buying a roll of foam
and cutting it yourself. But that kind of foam isn’t cheap, and this makes
it really presentable, so maybe it IS worth it. Or is there something else
you could put in there that would still be presentable and functional? Hm.
I’m going to keep this in mind, since I’m probably going to buy a Saturn at
some point.

derekk1998 says:

Foam is love, Foam is life.

kourii says:

I wish the originals did say ‘SEGA’… How cool would that have been?
Overall, a surprisingly entertaining video about foam.

thatguyontheright1 says:

I just go to a craft store near where I work and I cut them.

Another good use for foam; You get a regular sized CD Jewel case, and you
cut a piece of foam to fit inside without the CD holder, and then cut holes
for memory cards. Easy memory card storage. I wana try it for
TG-16/PC-Engine some time.

Alan Cavazos says:

I totally understand you! I even want to replace the jewel case for my only
sega saturn game.

Aaron Redding says:

I had a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga that I had Wrecked because I didn’t
have the insert and the discs were horribly scratched because of which. I
was quite sad

MerolaC says:

Hahaha, OMG. Ok…

deathaxe says:

Scraping the barrel a bit with this video, Adam! pickups vids are fine and
all, but foam? I know you have to up vids regular for income or whatever,
but this…. ugh man. Quality over quantity.

David Davidson says:


EndUser2090 says:

Adam, have you ever heard of a game called Napple Tale for the dreamcast?

AdiSneakerFreak says:

It’s not so strange Adam, not really any different to me picking up new PS3
cases when you think about it

SegaAddict Zach says:

This is cool. The thing I am excited about is keeping the manuals in good
shape. The manuals seem to lose their structural integrity a bit without
those inserts.

Man, Mike came across as a jerk in those cameos. jk Loved the cameos Mike. 

LordDoppelgamer says:

The foam doesn’t seem to have the same sparkle as the original ones. Send
them back! ~_^

shenmueso says:

Vampire Mikes cameo was classic.
only you could make a 7minute video about foam inserts Adam. nice work. 😉
great description of the dilemma you faced.. $100 for 100 inserts, so £60,
hmm, that’s not too bad actually.. if you actually had 100 games worth
preserving for the saturn.. ooh, that sounds bitchy doesnt it? i like the
saturn! lol. (and sega cd of course) :)

blatz42 says:

This is actually pretty cool, I have a fairly small Saturn collection, and
three of the games that I own have inserts, the other twenty-some-odd
don’t. And that bothers me. So I’m going to look into these.

iDavidP says:

If that box of foam is 100 dollars, I guess that means that you need to be
a millionaire to be able to get your own foam pit… :D

The guy who breaks broken stuff says:

Stop talking about him in your fucking videos

Hikaru Rider says:

I swear to god, my ears hear “phone” instead of “Foam” for some reason…

TheInsanemonkeyboy says:

You probably could have bought a roll of that foam at a fabric store like
Joann Fabrics for a fraction of what you paid for that. The only thing is
you would have to cut them yourself. 

LukeAkAstuff says:

hahaha that was to good with mike in there. but yeah foam! sick!

itsstillthinking1999 says:

im really into the saturn my fav console off all time (except the dc of
course) and its great to know someone makes these ill have to pick some up
lol the sega cd universe stuff

Massimiliano Luisi says:

you spent 1 houndred dollar for foam insert?
you could buy 200 foam, to track down how many games you need to buy to
complete the collection.

p.s. love the guy who pupped up at the beging of the video. XD

DjVinny23 says:

“You know what? Fuck it! I’ma buy it.” is my eBay motto and it’s the worst
thing ever. Trust me, I collect Gamecube and I’ve actually purchased a bulk
of those white precaution booklets because I’m pretty certain every GC game
had one haha. So, yes maybe you are crazy for buying foam but this is a
hobby for crazy people :P

OGSGX says:

Enjoyed the video and I would have done the same thing if it helps to keep
my retro collection in good condition its worth spending the money on it

SuperUberMega says:

I liked it anyway

Widdle Brudder says:

Thanks for the vid…I need to get inserts for my saturn games as well.
Haterz gon’ hate!

Fuad Habjouqa says:

it is worth it, you are a collector, and collectors keep the items safe as
long as possible, so on a long run it is a good investment……

mast3rsword64 says:

You know you’re a true collector when you buy foam inserts. I respect you

Rudy Treadwell says:

I liked the video. Nothing like taking sold care of the collection. I
appreciate the information.

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