How to Test Engine Timing, Before Installation(Saturn 1.9L DOHC)

How to Test Engine Timing, Before Installation(Saturn 1.9L DOHC)

This is a very brief video, on a pointer for testing the camshaft timing of the Saturn 1.9L engine. The engine is an “Interference” design, and providing this step can save you a full rebuild of your engine.



Jose Cuevas says:

You should have clean the engine a little better.

Jessica Ripley says:

RULE OF THUMB! do you know where that came from! In the 1800's it was legal for men to best there wife's with a stick,as long as it was no bigger than there thumb.

Should have been rule of wrist. Lol

Morris 1234 says:

Good video I have a 1998 Saturn SL2 doh mine runs great but I need to have mine checked before anything happens I never had any major problems yet mine has 189,000. Miles I am going to have it checked as soon as possible just to be safe

Ismael Corona says:

En hespañol

Pedro Solano says:

Hey I have questions ¿how to find up what type the engine is the correct to swap because my starting is not good anymore MI CAR IS 2002 Saturn sl2

Abomuslam Alahwazi says:

Thanks for this video. We want to know how we can setup the piston on crankshaft.

Gil Roberto Nava Perz says:

la proxima ves que agas un video, ten cuidado que no te tiemble tanto el culo.

andrew dickehage says:

Im rebuilding an interference motor at the moment. I wasn't paying attention when i took the timing belt off.. And i didn't time the crank. How can i reset the timing without messing up the valves if i haven't already? I know you have to take the valve covers off and undue the cams at the mains. But nothing further then that…

Fred Martinez says:

Not sure how old is this video. I have a saturn sl2 i have rattle noise. Like something lose whn i drive it gose away

Stevie Wonder says:

Hey Josh, can this be done in the car? (changing the timing chain)I may have to do this. I bought my SC2 in 2014 with 39K miles for $700.00, this is the only major thing I had to do. Great little car. Thanks!!

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