Shade Tree horn fix on the Saab convertible

Shade Tree horn fix on the Saab convertible

I’m not going for perfection here (obviously). hahaha.



rpeek says:

@schrankm That’s okay. I’ll have a sticker by then, and I can fix it again
next year.. hahaha.

coffeefish says:

I miss my Mother’s 900. It had bronze tinted glass, and it made every snowy
day look much sunnier.

schrankm says:

lol then when the wire gets damaged from the door opening and closing on
it, it’ll complete the circuit so the horn sounds all the time!!

speedy75602 says:

and it not like you use it all the time, mostly just to get inspections
anyways, as paint pimp would say “Unless You Are Like the Local Natives”

WhoSaidTyler says:

The same thing is wrong with my brother’s 1996 Cadillac Seville STS. I have
had countless cheap cars where the horn always worked, and here’s 2 higher
end cars that they quit. Go figure.

rpeek says:

@saabe I like the 900 coupe. Non turbo? What year?

rpeek says:

@swampratman2000 I’ve got a starter switch on the dash of the rat rod.

swampratman2000 says:

i have had everything from a dimmer switch to a stater switch mounted on
the dash

kcflhx says:

do what you gotta do

rpeek says:

@carrabec99 My mechanic is an X-Saab tech. He’s the one that suggested I
just hot wire the horn.. hahaha. Said it was too much of a pain to pop off
the wheel with an air bag in it.

blazerlover25 says:

great job what an awesome fix you did but an easier fix is to get a bumper
sticker that says “horn broke watch for flying banjo’s” haha

longhornrancher6 says:

I don’t blame you, I don’t like dealing with airbags. Mighty fine pickin’
on this one.

carrabec99 says:

somewhere there is a saab tech yelling at his computer lmao ha ha ha get r
dun i say

rpeek says:

@coffeefish How cool is that! Wicked cool..

Chris Anderson says:

makes me miss my 900 turbo convertible so much

rpeek says:

@TennesseeBoy2011 I love mine..

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