Saab 9-3 cylinder head retorque

Saab 9-3 cylinder head retorque

I’m showing how to do the cylinder head bolt retorqueing on a Saab 9-3 but this will work for 900 (1994-1998) Saab 9-3 (1998-2003) and Saab 9-5 and maybe the…



osvst says:

From a Saab shop manual from the dealer ship.

TheSittur says:


osvst says:

it did for a bit but what happened as i found out later is the guy who
owned the car had used more water than anti freeze and ended up cracking
the head on the edge near the water pump. but it was good for about 5
months until it started going through alot of coolant

3134902 says:

nigga fuck you… you didnt even retorque it

piffdaddy420 says:

wait, so do u have to losen all the bolts first, then retighten? this
scaress the shit out of me. i always thought that once u break the seal
then u need to switch gasket?

osvst says:

well this was friend of mine and he is a bit cheap and we reused his, but i
have a 2001 9-3 Viggen but i bought a new valve cover gasket for it just
cuz its was worth more to me, The new valve cover gasket should only run
you about $30-40 max. lol this 9-3… this 9-3 had like 674,875Km on it…
it was on its last legs for most the most of it so this was just to help it
go a tad longer

osvst says:

it depends on some of the years and engines. i got a shop book from the
Saab dealer before they closed down 🙁

chvydrptop says:

Thanks for the video! It always helps to see whats going on. Quick
question, you removed the valve covers first, when you reinstalled the
valve covers did you have to use a new gasket?

osvst says:

No.. lol you do one at a time if you go on Genuine Saabs web side there is
a PDF on how to do this but you do one at a time.

Nayomee Robertson says:

Where did you get your torque figure from? I have read 44ft.lbs is the
correct amount.

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