guy open and steals saab 9-5 and 9-3 whitout key

guy open and steals saab 9-5 and 9-3 whitout key

How to open and steal cars whitout key.



Axhol3Rose says:

watch out guys internet vigilante here. lol dont hate the playa nigga hate
the game

PWGvideos says:

but what if, that hacking box only supports saab units… better saab than
nothing (not meant to support these guys) but you prob see what i mean

PWGvideos says:

from what you are telling here, it seems like you would be smarter than
these men.. and no, look 1 more time and you see he cracks the code for the
ignition and unlocks wheel also, thereby unlocking the key hole 😛 i would,
acually believe in this, bquz i dont think you can buy that patch box at
your closest electronics retailer

ashlitobutler says:

you idiot dog it is fake…plus the swedish police are useless fucks so no
problem there

ashlitobutler says:

mongo it is filmed in Sweden…every 2nd car is a SAAB or just
about……bloody hell I have 4 SAAb’s myself for fuck’s sake…yes I live
in Sweden

lambodisk says:

50,000 grands heroin in da boot you missed

Renato Piereck says:

You can see the 9-3 SC in the video has an Euro plate with the Swedish
number combination.

SAAB95TURBO95 says:

this is definitely fake, when my Saabs are locked, the blinking red light
on the dashboard only flashes once every few seconds, when they’re
unlocked, it flashes 2x every few seconds…

apathy11303 says:

Car computers are actually very simple in design when compared to PCs. Its
more than possible that his PC could break these codes. I know somebody
that can crack the keyless entry system for the new Altimas. It just makes
me not want a car with keyless entry.

William Ekholm says:

Antar att ni varmkörde den vita 9-3an först, då den redan hade temp då ni
startade den?

alfisti93 says:

Those Guys obviously don’t own a proper car, so they NEED to steal a SAAB,
in order to have a good one.

Jollee Dégerman says:

hahaha lol they are swedish people


I hope it isnt real. I wonder how they started the 9-3 without the key?

lawtowngirl85 says:

wow that s crazy.

Andreas Abrahamsson says:

Riktigt coolt, vart kan man köpa modulen och programmet?

dulf87 says:

HAAHAHA Rebecka black

NeZZo3 says:

This is so fucking fake!!! my family have had like 7 saabs under my time at
home and my dad have shown me hot to hotwire a saab but first they need to
get in and that is very hard!!!!! saabs systems is complex…..

Harrisabd says:

can you explain how they drove without a key?

leigh husker says:

maybe not so much, probably not alot, when was this vid made? maybe just a
pissed off programmer that felt slighted, released the code, maybe he told
management how dumb this system is and tried to run it up the chain
expressing how easy it could be to steal these , maybe he wasnt listened
to, got mad and said fuck will find out.. maybe that is the program
and transponder that they use at the dealership to re program your shit if
it gets fucked up, maybe like i said, got fired, or…

NotARealUTubeAccount says:

Comeon people. When ‘Friday’ Came on the radio wasn’t that a pure giveaway?

jrodigan5 says:

1:30 Look at the LED on the dash. It’s blinking twice, meaning the car is
unlocked. lol Fail.

Renato Piereck says:

Page 42 of Saab 9-5 owner’s manual, MY 2000, US version: – Alarm activated:
flashes once every third second. – Car immobilized but not locked: flashes
twice at three second intervals. This video is a fake, look at the very
first Saab in the video, flashing two flashes, not one.

OptiCalHD says:

No, you don’t have to use euros, to be a part of Europe! Scandinavia is
three contries, Denmark, Sweden and Norway – all of them are European

elantra11 says:

cool ! what program is that ?

TheSittur says:

you are fancy pants

swizzlstyx says:

LOL “Friday” playing at 6:06

leigh husker says:

nah dude, their cars are driven on the same as here in america as well as
the side the steering wheel is on, its scandinavia, not europe

FreakyDannish says:

Hahaa omg i missed that,,,, Total fail,,,,

leigh husker says:

no its not, i mean i guess it is lumped in with europe, but it isnt even on
the same continent, there are scandinavian countries that are in europe but
as far as we are talking here, sweden isnt, and norway doesnt use euros

tonderai263 says:

i will never buy a saab

phazi0 says:

You can clearly tell that this is Sweden by the licence plates and the “May
flower” stickers in several cars in this video.

Alfred Boelen says:

I don’t believe it.

Tr0y0verP0werzU says:

Swedish police? Have you noticed the driver side is the left side? and the
language being in english? Sorry but my guess that this is in America.
Along with that there’s clearly no proof where, when, and who they are.

Visva Borkertas says:

Good luck to you fuck face hahah

ViewerSonic says:

Wouldn’t surprise me if the whole thing is fake

Oleg Bezman says:

To protect agaisnt it… u will need a 34bit digit set in the key chip

volcomXdiamond says:

another thing is when you unlock a saab only the driver door unlocks until
you hit unlock again. so it would be impossible for the guy to get in the
back seat

volcomXdiamond says:

completely fake. first off saab is not that easy to get into, second, how
did they just happen to know exactly where to drive to find 2 saabs? third,
if you were a thief you clearly would not park next to the car your

Moshiur K. Rahman says:

@SGLP93 :Police may already know it but still good to say that they started
the journey from sunderbyn hospital in Luleå, then they opened the second
saab near blyggergränd, finally they stole the white 9-3 in front of Wika
Möbler in Möbelvägen and headed to Sunderby through Stadsö centum. Now I
understand why I found my saab 9-5 several times unlocked in the morning…

Florian Paul says:

there are fingerprints of the camera man, he didn’t use gloves…

damienrad says:

no you didn’t you panzy

MesoJevlar says:

Cars sold in Europe unlocks directly after pressing unlock once, different
from the north american market

OphanWitehall says:

He has the key in the hand at 6:00 😛

meteora8888 says:

Why would u steal a Saab anyway? Surely there are more desirable cars.

thekingofallify says:

is fake

Igor88bg says:

Fake the Temperature of engine is to hot for parked car 😉

Daniel Nevarez says:

Thats hella crazy. What the hell are they using ! How do you defend against
this !!!

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