2003 saab 9-3 radio

2003 saab 9-3 radio

I got the car about a week ago and the radio doesnt turn on i dont know why but i saw online that it could be because of the amp 1 the one under the driver s…



PunkLooees says:

Hey ! … I’m having the exact same problem with my 03′ Saab. I bought the
car knowing the radio wasn’t working..but It’s getting me a little upset
know… I need sound in my car. I tried to “bypass” in the optical wires in
amp1 & nothing. So I’m going to take a guess that the amp is just fried.
Another option,try bypassing the one in the back of the car.., but idk how
too…I wish somebody made a video/s doing STEP-BY-STEP instructions on how
to eliminate the problems and how to install. :'{

Neil Cyran says:

dude i have the exact same problum and my bud has a new amp im getting

blakkheartt12 says:

Hey if your radio, blinker noises, or SID is out 99.9% it is due to the
amp. Also if the speakers in the door are out it’s also due to the amp. I
just replaced mine. Bought it off ebay was 465 with shopping. It was a
refurbished one. I would not buy a used one because you dont know how long
it will last. The one I bought they water proofed the whole thing. Water
gets on the amp from opening the driver side doors when its raining or
snowing so it will short out the amp. Horrible design flaw.

lev8488 says:

Have you worked out how to do it yet? I got a Saab with the same problem.

Edgar Cervantes says:

I know how you feel i really dont like driveing around without sound but i
really cant do anything about it because i dont know if its because of the
amp or the radio just doesnt work but i dont think its the radio since a
lot of people also have the same problem

Edgar Cervantes says:

I already fixed it check out my other video were i show it working

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