Porsche Boxster S – 986 Remove Engine Cover – Replace Air Filter porscherepair video

Porsche Boxster S – 986 Remove Engine Cover – Replace Air Filter porscherepair video

Porscherepair.net Personal porsche repair videos Keep the passion of your Porsche running great. Here is a quick write up on how to remove the engine cover o…



DaytonCarCare says:

Don’t be cheap put and K&N in there. Only $35 and reusable.

DaytonCarCare says:

Any other car, air filter change 2 minutes. A Boxster 20. LoL

Douglas Au says:

awesome video man thanks. do you have an oil change one? and how much money can you save servicing your own car?

humanwrx says:

No problem.. i’m trying to get more videos… keep checking here and porscherepairDOT net

Tea Sessions says:

Great video thanks!
Can your next video show how to replace the coils please! haha

Skorp says:

Ah, too bad they did not make the Cayman and Boxster like the Lotus. What is the point of a trunk at the back lol. Hopefully, they will rebuild it and remove that trunk at the back as the front truck is roomy enough. Anyways thanks for this video. Really helps!

Porsche Boxster says:

Thank you for your excellent video. One question, what’s safety mode? Thanks!

Douglas Hamner says:

This is kinda harder with the glass window…but it is the same process you just cant move the top out of the way

murry001 says:

awesome car but what a bitch to maintain lol

austin SOLO says:

why didnt porsche just put in the trunk area

OneOfaKind949 says:

So how does an engine like that cool itself??? It’s buried in that car. 

GreatSteamingCatBox says:

Bit of a kerfuffle eh

F1N9ERS says:

FCK me youre the cleanest tech ive ever seen lol im gonna tell my local garage that i want them in shirt & trouser’s next time they work on my dam CAR or else ill bring it to you 🙂

juacox36097 says:

,i did all ,i didnt know how my own engine is. it’s really dirty, now a video about your engine cleaning !

trogoy says:

Hi mate, any chance on doing a follow up video on putting it all back together again?

humanwrx says:

You’re welcome.. i’ll try and get some more up soon

Hoss365Uk says:

Thanks for this ,, Changed my air filter today, So much easier after watching this….

koreyriker says:

I like how you do this in a dress shirt with slacks…and a watch! Nice video.

Mac Myke says:

Good Video, thanks

VinicioTinettiPinto says:

thanks for the video man !

humanwrx says:

Your welcome… i’ll try and get more helpful videos up soon.

germagic2 says:

you saved my life thank you

germagic2 says:

I just bought a porsche yesterday and I couldn’t get to the engine thank you!

humanwrx says:

Try it now man

jonisd says:

vid dont work 🙁

humanwrx says:

I”m sure it is just for sound proofing and looks. It is not needed for the other parts to bolt down.

blues3531 says:

Is that big foam piece at 2:50 just soundproofing? can you leave that out or is it necessary for everything to snap together and the convertible to reconnect?

John Rice says:

Thank you very much. I was trying to access the engine but did not know how. Need to clean the throttle body and MAF
Thanks again 🙂

Saeid Momtahan says:

Great! Thanks for the reply

Greetings from Iran

humanwrx says:

You have to put the top so its about ten inches from closing as seen in the video and then you pull up on the back half, so it folds up. The rest is in the video…

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