How to replace pontiac firebird headlights (formula, trans am)

How to replace pontiac firebird headlights (formula, trans am)

i decided to upgrade my standard old headlamps to these sylvania silverstar lamps. this process should be the same to replace on your v6, formula, or trans a…



Lori Ward says:

Thanks for posting this video – very timely for me and really helped!

jamrs12 says:

your welcome glad it helped you out

95blckfirebird1 says:

Any idea pn how to convert the headlights to HID?

karenlarue1 says:

Do you know what the issue might be if the headlights are on and then flash

jamrs12 says:

hawks third gen has the HID HEADLIGHT CONVERSION KIT. ITS 129.99
plus shipping.

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