Seatbelt Replacement

Seatbelt Replacement

Changing the grubby looking beige seat belts in my Peugeot 406 to black ones. This 406 in executive trim has a cream leather interior, but the seat belts whi…



connor gilmour says:

i put silver ones in my clio. i just cleaned them with a bucket with some
cilit bang, and a clean paint brush lol.

peugeotCitroen2CV says:

no problem glad to help

Ash says:

Thanks a lot for the video! I just bought a second hand seat belt for my
Peugeot but it’s locked (just took it out of the packaging). Is it supposed
to be locked before replacing or should I return it? Cause the main reason
I had to replace it was cause my own seat belt got stuck suddenly for no

Ash says:

Many thanks mate! Rally helpful!

peugeotCitroen2CV says:

If they reel away back in they can lock, i did this when i bought the reel
from the scrapyard, but you can remove the cover make sure its not the
cover with the spring otherwise the big spring flys all over the place and
there is no way to put it back in, remove the correct cover and the wee
locking mechanism to release the belt enough to pull it out a bit, put the
ball lock bit back in and fit the belt. See “how to remove a seatbelt from
its reel” which shows unlocking the mechanism.

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