Another Peugeot 407 Saloon Suspension Diagnosis & Fix

Another Peugeot 407 Saloon Suspension Diagnosis & Fix


@Ikenna351Monk says:


For free expert advice on Peugeot, solutions or discussions on your Peugeot related questions, I will send a link to you where you can join and ask your questions to me on YouTube livestream, Zoom or Telegram call, and get your answers, and Audio/Video will be published for public consumption on my YouTube channel.
Option A price: Free

Below is a fee to respond to a one-time question or query from people who prefer to contact me privately for my Peugeot specialist/expert advice. A follow up or different question/query for another advice from me on Peugeot, after I have responded and given my expert advice/explained solutions to your earlier questions/queries via a private WhatsApp video call, WhatsApp Audio call, Telegram Video/Audio call, normal audio call, voice message or email, will attract another payment. Option B discussions won't be published publicly unless you want it to.
Option B price: N5,000 (minimum)

This is for 5-year full consultancy services, where you can constantly seek my expert advice privately on Peugeot vehicles without paying anymore for the next 5 years, as much advice you want. I also provide referrals, diagnosis and repairs and etc, for people that pay for option B (more conditions apply).
Option B price: N50,000 (minimum)

If you are interested in any of the 3 options, indicate or contact me for my account details for payment on my WhatsApp & Telegram chats/messages line +2348095721703 (No Phone call & Video call) or email

Note that options B & C prices are non-negotiable and non-refundable. And it's pay before service.

Also, note that I am not an expert on Automatic Transmission. So, I may not have solutions or answers to all questions regarding Automatic Transmission. However, I do have basic technical knowledge on Automatic transmissions.

Lion-King Monk .

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