Alero front wheel bearing replacement part I

Alero front wheel bearing replacement part I

How to change a hub bearing assembly on a GM front wheel drive car.



Pay Meuponrequest says:

The bearings are not removable

SamBLX Vq says:

You just save me $55 labor. Thanks!

Sonja Stoplite says:

This video was very helpful, thanks a bunch man!

Xen5s says:

wish i could replace my wheel bearings in 9 minutes.

Pay Meuponrequest says:

All you had to do was after you unscrew the 35mm bolt from the hub just
disconnect your abs and tap the 35mm stud with a hammer and the CV joint
will push in and the stud will slide back and out of the hub You will have
easier access to your knuckle than if you try to disconnect the three
knuckle bolts first. Your CV joint is flexible so hitting this 35mm stud
will not damage it at all

drhoobad says:

Hi there. You wouldn’t be able to tell me if the bearings themselves can be
removed from the hub assembly? Or are only the assemblies produced for this
model? Thanks!

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