2001 Nissan Altima How to change the Alternator

2001 Nissan Altima How to change the Alternator

I’m not a pro mechanic but couldn’t find a decent “how-to” repair video so I made this…



Steven Angelucci says:

you mention the two bolts and one bolt on the left but never showed how to
pull it out. I’m having trouble getting this out. any help would be great
1994 altima.

Josh Meyer says:

I’m having trouble loosening the tensioner to get the belt off. Any tips?

Jamie Ballesteros says:

This was perfect for me! I’m a 35 yr old chic who knows NOTHING about cars
(can’t even change my oil), but I totally just replaced my alternator using
your video! Thanks guys!

Glenn Burnett says:

best instructional video yet! i laughed through the entire video, truly
made for us non-mechanics.. and you not knowing the name of the parts of
the vehicle were just classic..

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