Mitsubishi Magna TE oil change

Mitsubishi Magna TE oil change

Mitsubishi Magna TE oil change, Mitsubishi Magna 97 oil change, Mitsubishi Magna 98 oil change, Mitsubishi Magna 99 oil change.



Ghetto Dynamicz Inc says:

Wears giant safety glasses and gardening gloves for safety… No jack
stands. Lol whyyyy 

Albert Jones says:

Good video mate. I take the right wheel off and work from the side. Little
bit more work but safer.

John Walker says:

I’ve never had an oil plug come off that hard,did the threads get damaged
at some point?

driftmouse says:

Not a bad way to change your oil and get yourself flattened.

ryann2k1 says:

Thanks for the video. Btw, What kind of Automatic Transmission Fluid(ATF)
do you put for your car? I have the same car model, bought second hand and
don’t know what type of ATF it uses.

TheJamesonWolf says:

you dip a dirty rag into your clean engine oil… genius.

Vance M says:

you know pussys wear gloves lol…. how stupid does it look with
gloves….. very !, but good video however

davepax982 says:

First thing I will say is that it is great that you are showing women how
to do things like this. But, in all honesty you need to adress a few
things. Firstly using 2 factory scissor jacks to hold the car up without
stands is downright dangerous. I would suggest either using ramps or
placing the car on stands. Secondly there are a few things you missed. No
new oil plug O ring and you need only run the car for 10 to 20 seconds to
circulate oil to get a correct reading and on level ground.

KJ-Verada VR-Xi says:

I find Liquid Molly “Engine Detox” works better then that Calibre engine
oil flush, Gets more of the crap out, I’ve done it on a few cars including
my Old KS Verada and my now TJ Magna. The Liquid Molly engine Detox may be
a bit more expensive at $29 for something thats engineered and trusted on
european Vehicles compared to something cheap as I rather pay $29 for a
high quality product over say $12 for one that meets the minimum standards
your engine will thank you in the long run

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