Please Remove “Silver Fillings” ASAP!

Please Remove “Silver Fillings” ASAP!

IAOMT: International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology See with your own eyes how mercury vapor escapes from dental amalgam, also known as “silver” fil…



Daniel says:

I’ve had metallic taste in my mouth and thought nothing of it. I have ear
pain as well and got it checked out by an ENT and he saw nothing. This led
me to believe its something to do with my mouth. So I had to get fillings
today and asked my dentist to remove all the mercury fillings. Already I’m
feeling a clear sinus and my breathing is better. Autism can be cured
doing this. The reason doctors want to install Amaglem is because of
money. I had the white fillings put in. Autism can be cured by reducing
mercury and detoxing. Notice how Autism was cloned by the APA and they
changed the diagnoses in the DSM manual?

Notice how they say there is no cure for Autism? This is to make money.
There is a cure by detoxing people and removing the mercury. Mercury
causes an imbalance to the Central Nervous System, vision, smell and
anxiety. Notice how these symptoms relate to ADHD/Autism? Autism is just
another name for Mercury poisoning. Mercury is very dangerous and yes
they leak Mercury. I’ve had the metallic taste in my mouth and I know its
from the fillings.

Eating Salmon also has Mercury as well.

mariahansenphoto says:

anetruth has a very valid point! And this is becoming more and more clear
now to people who actually pay attention. I would be much more concerned
about the white composite tooth fillings.

sidvicious09 says:

Watching this makes me think my dentist is is mentally for the crap he has
put in my mouth. Why would a sane person think it is necessary in any way
to use amalgam in your mouth? Why risk it? Even if there is no proof that
it is harmful why risk it, mercury is toxic in any form.

matthew lamb says:

I have just been to the dentist to get a sliver filling done on my upper
right moler my dentist told me when she was drilling my tooth that there’s
lots of decay in the middle of the tooth how long do sliver fillings last
and what do you think my dentist will do with my tooth when it needs to be

moctezuma112 says:

well u still have parents who still have amalgams before they were banned.
so u have to wait a couple of decades until most young Norwegian parents
are amalgam free. and u also have to considir whats in their drinking water
and vaccinations.

IsaacTCI says:

What is the name of the track & artist.that was playing in the intro of
your video?

topkatspride says:

Wow! All this scientific evidence presented in this video, from independent
caring and concerned people from the dental field, and you still have the
audacity to leave a comment such as the one you posted… SMH… And in
reference to the young generation you described from Norway, what a tragedy
and thanks for taking the time to share that knowledge with us all.
Conclusively, I’d like to say, the symptoms you described that the youth in
Norway have, are probably coming from vaccinations.

louib716 says:

The only thing you’ll be doing if you remove your amalgams before they need
to be replaced is giving your dentist an extra payday.

Greg Magnuszewski says:

aaahhhh ahh ahh im almost 18 and broke and have 3 fillings

PsychoJowJow says:

well a can of tuna has more mercury than one amalgam capsule. I call for

louib716 says:

A good silver filling can last up to 20 years. What is done when it needs
to be replaced depends on the state of your tooth. Keep in mind that every
time a filling needs replacing, the dentist has to take away more and more
tooth structure to get rid of the decay and create a proper preparation to
hold the new filling. If there’s not enough tooth structure, a dentist will
suggest a root canal with a crown or an extraction with a partial or an
implant. What is done is ultimately up to you.

Forky Witherspoon says:

PLease stfu with your effeminate fear mongering. If you bothered to attend
college, you would have basic logic which would preclude such idiotic
rambling. Correlation is not causation, moron.

priocapt says:

PLEASE NOTE: to safely remove amalgam fillings you need to go to a
biodentist who is qualified to remove them. People who have their amalgam
fillings removed with a high-speed drill at a regular dentist suffer
massive overexposure to mercury vapour and swallowed and embedded mercury
particles less than 0.03 microns in size remain for months in the body, a
shocking number of these people are diagnosed with autoimmune diseases
within 6 months. Please research “safe removal of amalgam fillings”!

topkatspride says:

The track & artist that was playing in the intro and outro of the video
about “amalgam/silver fillings” is a session musician for the company that
sells the video software that I use, which is Pinnacle/Avid. The tune is a
Jazz/Blues selection. The song is called Vibratonic. The version is called
Half Moon. Thanks for checkin’ us out!

louib716 says:

Not a good idea to remove amalgams if they don’t need to be replaced.
Mercury is the most toxic in the aerosol form and not very toxic in the
solid form. Mercury is released as an aerosol when your dentist drills on
your amalgam. As a dental student, my suggestion is to wait until your
amalgams need to be replaced before you replace them with resins or
whatever treatment your tooth will need at that point. Removing them prior
to that point won’t improve your health.

anetruth says:

The most funny thing is that in Norway it is very clear that silver
fillings are not the problem. Silver/amalgam fillings have been banned for
quite a while in Norway, and the young generation there those not have
amalgam fillings at all. In spite of this, more and more young kids get
ADHD, autism and cancer. This is a fact that the anti-amalgam industry
cannot ignore. Open your eyes! Composite fillings are a dangeours, amalgam
fillings are not!

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