Ford Taurus Thermostat Change

Ford Taurus Thermostat Change

While not as common source of no heat, it is still very worthy to change it out with a new one as all that rust and sediment can cause functional issues. Als…




I wish the acess on my 2003 ford focus 2.3 was as easy as this taurus
thankfully I dont need a new thermostat but if i did i was looking at
what i would have to move out of the way to get to it.. I love the way
ford designed the focus 

codyq0987 says:

+FordTechMakuloco You did a very good job on preparing the mounting
surface. 1> What tool did you use for the cleaning? Scotch? 2> Should we
put the bleeding valve toward the top? 3> I don’t see you use any sealant
on the paper gasket. Is that correct? Thank you

ThreeRiversRC says:

That housing looks easier to get to than my ’98

David Dj.Nabbs says:

What would happen if the directional was wrong on your thermostat

Greg Yancey says:

You have removed all the electrical that hides the therm on our 99
Vulcan…can we just unbolt all the electrical that is in front of it.
Also, we replaced the heater core per your video…all done and put back
together but the blower now only runs on high and the blend door motor
isn’t running…..both were fine before we unplugged. We have not finished
the flush yet but the therm is our last step before refilling and
running….does the computer have to reset after disconnecting the
battery? Does it control the blower and blend door activator?

Leah Jaramillo says:

I have a ford taurus SE 1999 and i still can’t locate the thermostat? 

Me .ep says:

Question, what happens if the index or whatever, isn’t in the oblong area?
I have it in the correct direction and my check engine light is off so the
problem seems to be fixed, but I don’t know about that that last part. It
looks as though the thermostat comes closed and you have to open it.

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