Mercedes W140 S500 Window regulator rebuild. Out and on the bench. Is it worse than I thought?

Mercedes W140 S500 Window regulator rebuild. Out and on the bench. Is it worse than I thought?

The regulator is out and on the bench. It’s about as typical as it gets. The cable either jumped the track and got bound up, or the cable broke and got wadded up. Nothing else is messed up, that’s a win! Time to remove, clean, and replace. The rebuild kits come as a pile of parts, so it’s up to you to use what you need and reuse whatever parts are not included in the kit. This job is not as tough as it seems. Once you’ve done one, you have done them all. The mount that holds the window is usually fine, just check it and clean it and reinstall it. Winding the cable back in is kinda tough, but I made a longer vid about doing it that I will post soon. How many of you have gotten to this part and considered giving up? You can buy new regulators all assembled for a couple hundo, but the kits are like $30. I would rather spent the time and figure it out for myself. Besides, once this is all fixed and installed and working again, it’s instant gratification. And that doesn’t have a price. Stay tuned as I put this puzzle back together. Thanks for watching! See you in the next one.



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