Mazda MPV Brake Change

Mazda MPV Brake Change

Changing the brake pads on my wifes 04 Mazda MPV LX Van….only thing I did not show was me using a 17mm socket and ratchet to tighten the caliber bolts back…



Tom Giar says:

Brakes done in 1 hour by following your video. No issues. Too easy. Parts
$35, Saved over 300 if done by Mazda dealer who insisted I needed the
rotors done. Rotors are in like new condition. Thank you

panadero3488 says:

Does the rear have pads or shoes?

thesweetartistbakery says:

You have no clue what you’re talking about

hp11208 says:

You coulda file the bolt head and make it better.

Austinman49 says:

yeah thats true I just preferred to buy new ones the old ones seemed to not
move so well in and out of the caliber but thanks for the tip

Austinman49 says:

thats what you think, but I heard your hot so I’ll let that slide lol

TheRealFumigator says:

Thanks for the video. I too own a Mazda MPV (though it’s ’05) and just
wanted a refresher on the particular type of caliper used (it’s been a few
years since I changed front pads) so this was just what I needed.

Austinman49 says:

good deal I’m glad this video helped some

david kerwood says:

did one on an 01 i keep having a problem with the clips in the caliper
mount sliding and touching the rotor. any advice on how to stop this?

Austinman49 says:

the rear has pads as well, I need to change those soon

Austinman49 says:

no problem your welcome buddy glad I could be of some help, my next video
will show where to find the spare in the MPV, Mazda did a good job of
hiding the entry panel

Amr Elsayed says:

great video man… Keep up the good work

hp11208 says:

Yep your right its cheap and also new lo.

Barry Carr says:

Thanks for showing this video. Got the same ’04 model and was wondering
about how to do it.

Austinman49 says:

thank you my good man

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