How To Install Mazda Eyelids

How To Install Mazda Eyelids

In this video I attempt to show you through video how to prep, paint and install Mazda (in this case ‘6’) eyelids.



emmanuel2944 says:

The Red is not doing is better than the color of the car that’s the idea
paint them the color of the car and see the difference 🙂

Dominic Pennix says:


101alva says:

i have them on my 09 corolla.. i used double sided tape.. an its been
holdin up pretty well.. or u can use velcro..

jeg534green says:

its not green… my mazda 6 is steel grey… maybe the video distorts the
color some i guess (its in the dark too) check out my newest video it show
it alot better there.

jeg534green says:

what the hell do you want!!!!!!

Khaiser111 says:

Yeah Im sorry but….you should just just painted it steel grey. The red
just totally kills everything. =[

jeg534green says:

well thanks for the input… i have taken them off for now anyways… i
need to find a more secure way to connect them. and ideas?

jeg534green says:

you really think so?

Geo Lil says:


smitty1510 says:

that looks horriable bro….the red totally kills it

xp0zed says:

disgusting color kthx

Anthony Rimestad says:

hey i think it looks good because the brakes r red to so i think it looks

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