Lotus Prince Let’s Play: Amnesia – Part 8

Lotus Prince Let’s Play: Amnesia – Part 8

In this installment, we work to fix a broken elevator so we can descend further into the castle. Are we sure that this is worth it?



Valgaav19 says:


Paleo Nychus says:

I’m confused. William Smith wasn’t killed. Frictional Games continuity I

snaky115 says:

Ooh the darkness is pissed off now 😀

kws2534 says:

And now…the true horror begins!

Valgaav19 says:

I’m not sure.

Valgaav19 says:

Yeah, and it does a good job, too!

Valgaav19 says:

Yeah, that was my biggest foolish moment so far. 😛

phreakar says:

22:54 Have fun in there! BWAHAHA!!

Valgaav19 says:

Even when I dislodged it, I still never noticed the stick in the pulley. 😛

Valgaav19 says:

It just doesn’t quit. 😛

RobertBobbyHill says:

Amnesia: The Dark Descent A game that delivers what it promises on both

Valgaav19 says:

Ugh, then it’s not entertaining. It’s amusing if the LPer gets scared if
it’s for real. Being dramatic about it, unless you’re a good actor, takes
the viewer out of the experience. Also, yeah, of course there’d be a catch
to Justine not being long. With those rules, it COULDN’T be long. 😉

Valgaav19 says:

Are there specific areas in the video where this is happening? I skipped
around randomly, and didn’t find anything. Also, is it just my commentary,
or the audio as a whole?

Shoudra Stargleam says:

O_o I wanna see who we’re chasing. I was totally yelling “coal” at you the
entire time =P

Shoudra Stargleam says:

It happens to the best of us. My sense of direction is usually my downfall
in games =)

cutecookiecat says:

Indeed… 😉

cutecookiecat says:

I second that. Haven’t been able to find a decent let’s play of it yet…
(where the player is not constantly screaming/cursing or talking over
things non-stop, I mean)

Valgaav19 says:

That place SUCKS.

DragonAceSg7 says:

Nothing like over thinking a puzzle or two ;). I know at this point in the
game you’re trapped down here, or it appears to be, but I’m kind of glad
we’re not looking at that fountain with the baby face spewing blood

Valgaav19 says:

I actually really liked that fountain. The blood was unsettling, but as I
said, the design reminds me of Baroque for the PS2/Wii.

Valgaav19 says:

Ah, okay, then. I’m glad it’s been fixed. 🙂

cutecookiecat says:

IT DOES. a lot 🙁 And it’s not even the ‘OMG THAT WAS REALLY SCARY’ kind of
screaming, but the overdramatic “OMG LOOK AT ME I’M PLAYING THIS REALLY
SCARY GAME”. Oh, I figured Justine has to be played after finishing
Amnesia. It seems not too long, but one of the downsides is that you can’t
save – once you die, it’s final and you start from the beginning (yes, one
of THOSE games).

Valgaav19 says:

Coal is too easy. 😛

kws2534 says:

Any chance you’ll be doing the Justine DLC for this game as well?

Jimera0 says:

I don’t know, that bit with the stick in the pulley that you somehow
managed to look all around without ever seeing it gives this a run for its
money 😛

Captain_Spoiler says:

wow…that sure was an heck of a fall, wasn’t it? btw i’ve seen the last
episode of thumb wars, the one in wich you talk about “let’s play” i
couldn’t comment there so i’ll say it here, i usually watch a let’s play of
games i’m not able to play myself (such as this one which is far more
complicated for my poor pc) and even if i watch it…i really wish i could
play it! the fact i watched a “let’s play” doesn’t reduce the epicness of
this survival horror 😀

Valgaav19 says:

Ugh, constant screaming totally takes you out of the mood. Well, I was told
that it has to be done all in one run, so it’s likely not too long, so
perhaps I’ll look into it. 🙂

Valgaav19 says:

I might just. It’s official, and I hear it’s short. 🙂

ChaosSabre says:

Apparently the darkness is closing in.

Olaru Ioan says:

Ow Lotus Prince how I love watching you do puzzles. And btw now the real
horror begins…. so enjoy 🙂

hgs25 says:

Is anyone else having problems with audio cutting/fading out in this video?

Valgaav19 says:

It always is. :-

hgs25 says:

It was cutting out when there was no dialogue from you or the journals,
tried rewinding and refreshing it with same results at same spots. turned
out to be my sound card for some reason (Googled it) because once I rolled
back the driver, it fixed it.

Valgaav19 says:

Oh, you’re not kidding about the real horror. 😀

Valgaav19 says:

It was a heck of a fall, and things only get worse from here. 😉 As for
Let’s Plays, there’s a bunch of different reasons to watch them. Probably
the riskest LP’s to make are of brand new games. I’ve done that a couple of
times, but usually mine are of games that are years old, so there’s little
question of whether or not people should buy the games at that point.
Everyone already knows about Amnesia now, for example. 🙂

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