Land Rover Service Tools – Brake Fluid Tester

Land Rover Service Tools – Brake Fluid Tester

Tailerfitters Toolbox on You Tube. This video shows one way of keeping a check on you brake fluid and to see how much moisture has been absorbed into the flu…



hayjoesam says:

I have just started an apprenticeship at a land rover dealership and would
like to know what tools you think i will need thanks.

reaperwayne says:

Ebay tenner for the same tester

foxdmulder says:

Have a different bluepoint one, is non transparent, has 4 LED’s measures
water in brake fluid as a %: 1% = ok 3% ok/attention more than 4% gets a
red light. will work great first 5 times, after that it will never work

Land Rover Toolbox Videos says:

Just watch and see what others use. When you start working you will know
what tools you need. Ask the guys who you are working under and they will
tell you. Usually the best skill you can have when you start is to remmebrr
who has tea and who has coffee and make sure you get it right!! lol

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