Land Rover Freelander 2002-2005 KV6 Timming belt and replacing valves – Video 3

Land Rover Freelander 2002-2005 KV6 Timming belt and replacing valves – Video 3


Jaime Depaula says:

Yes, it has been working for few years, but I had to replace some original
parts with others manufacturers so time belt would stay on track. I used a
Mitsubishi and Subaru idle pulley and tension pulley that have a inner lip
so timing belt would not move towards the engine, 

zeferrum says:

Nice video! Do you have the part numbers of what you used for the idler and
tensioner pulleys ? Or any references ?

deka6jp says:

De Paula, lembra de mim? Hanai, você me escreveu por último por volta de
1984, eu nunca esquecí

Dave Carlson says:

O DePaula. Aqui sou o Elder Carlson. VC se-lembra de mim? Como e’ que vai
meu querido irmao?

2243368 says:

so did it work?

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