How to replace key fob battery on 2013 to 2018 Land Rover Evoque pure

How to replace key fob battery on 2013 to 2018 Land Rover Evoque pure

Slide the metal piece from the key fob remove the key from the holder and use the key to separate



@peachypound6108 says:

Thank you my friend. I really appreciate that.


Thanks bro very helpful my key was dead

@coreymoney says:

What is the battery type??

@peterwinchester7796 says:

Thank you. Very helpful

@kashmiri150 says:

Wash your hands mate

@elvissteevenperezdelao3298 says:

No es que sea racista pera me das miedo compa

@richardkekuki7794 says:

Cut those damn nails boiii

@milosonko2134 says:

Menn you need some vaseline for hands, they sand papery

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