Lamborghini Vision GT 🤩 #Shorts

Lamborghini Vision GT 🤩 #Shorts


KingSerpent says:

£3 million (almost $3.9 million) each.

Davidmehmi22? says:

WoW nice car man

Ryan Dunn says:

for next Fast and Furious movie

T series says:

Getting heart attack

Jean Brown says:

Oh heck's nah bro this car I bet this car can go so fast those cars are one of those future cars like those electrical cars that you don't need gas

Chris O says:

I imagined pulling up in the front of a university (or anywhere) in the year 1950 (or any year)..

Shane Lacandola says:

Kay batman nyan mga bro

Adelaida Orrala says:

El carro del futuro xddddd

Naruto says:

This is my favorite car

Swastik Prasad says:

1 piece of rock can cost the owner a lot….

Anonymous says:

Thats a amazing lamborgine i've never seen those before

NINJA Bøy says:

Can i buy this car

Stryker says:

It just doesn’t look good

Big willie James says:

The engine doesnt work?

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