Wax Potting – Custom Curtis Novak Pickups – Fender Jaguar

Wax Potting – Custom Curtis Novak Pickups – Fender Jaguar

Thanks to all the great videos that users have posted on YouTube to explain Wax Potting. He’s my attempt, and success with a custom Fender Jaguar pickup. The…



Joe Holland says:

awesome dude!! very helpful

okavipra says:

i guess you left the bridge pick up stock ?

littlefury says:

Wow! Those Novak pickups sound great!

Andrew McAllister says:

@mrabihnaboulsi79 I know… Although I can guarantee that the AVRI Jaguar
pickups are pretty average, and to my ears never really sounded right.

littlefury says:

Wow! Those Novak pickups sound great!

Andrew McAllister says:

@luisgarciaalanis 100% Beeswax. It was all they had at the art supply
store. I heard this is more or less fine. Some people say paraffin/beeswax
is more standard.

Rabih naboulsi says:

I wish we can hear the sound before and after… thanks for the video!

Luis Garcia Alanis says:

What type of wax did you use? did it change the tone on the pickups? were
they huming?

Orieus says:

brillant!!!!!! sweet jag!!! im getting some novaks for mine as, same with
my 335

Andrew McAllister says:

@luisgarciaalanis Oh, and no, no change in tone.

Andrew McAllister says:

@luisgarciaalanis That sounds like a ground issue. Check your grounds.

Andrew McAllister says:

@okavipra No actually, I potted both… Sorry for any confusion. Curtis
actually made me a pickup that was taller than a standard Jag pickup and it
was feeding back badly… which was when he recommended potting with the
claw on.

Dave McDonald says:

Thank’s so that was single coil soup?

Luis Garcia Alanis says:

my pickups have a permanent hum/buzz (not the amp I checked already) would
this reduce the hum?

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