How To Repair Faded Peeling Paint On Your Car or Truck-Automotive Paint and Body Tech Tips-Part 1

How To Repair Faded Peeling Paint On Your Car or Truck-Automotive Paint and Body Tech Tips-Part 1

D/A Sand IT! or 972-420-1293.



Randy Cramer says:

Thank you much for the instruction.
I’m currently patching up some peeling on my ’92 Miata. Once I finish
school and become a full time mechanic I will be painting the whole car a
matte finish.
Any suggestions/tips/do&dont’s for using matte finished colors?

Dimlak Gorkehgz says:

shouldn’t you be wearing a particle mask?

Techmisfire says:

If the thing get out of my fucking face. Love that! LOL Subscribed! 

NativePrairie WolfTwo says:

Might as well just sand the whole damn hood down to the bare metal instead
of messing with leaving some of the old shit there to peel or fail later.
You already have almost 1/4 of the hood already down to metal anyway.

Ava Friedrich says:

Laughed at 2:38 haha

mario rivera says:


El Gallo says:

Thanks Pete

C.J. Williams says:

thanks Pete.

Eric Wagner says:

Just noticed you were a 3rd class in the navy haha. I’m also in the navy:)
Love this vids!

Niclas Nilsson says:

Just started a program to be a bodyshop worker. We always start with 120
paper, now i wonder why you start with 80? is’nt the grains to big? (sorry
for the bad english)

rusubuzz says:

what does feathering mean?

diyautoschool says:

Yes you could go that far if you wanted, but in this case you would be
wasting your time and money doing so. This isn’t a restoration it’s just a
fix up job that will last many many years if done properly!

diyautoschool says:

@daveelsberry when the clear is peeling this bad, you need to sand till
it’s all gone, taking it down to metal is part of it, if thats what it
takes.. On most older cars like this you usuallly have to go as far as bare
metal to repair it properly.. Pete

Brad Chisholm says:


Chris Hale says:

this guy is a classic, allways gets me laughing , like his style

diyautoschool says:

And I wear a professional dust mask all the time, it’s kind of hard to talk
when your making an instructional video with a dust mask on!

TiredOldFart says:

That makes sense. A lot of diy-ers skip the safety gear, which is why I
remarked. Great video, btw!

Byron Anderson says:

Pete, you’re the man! Thanks a lot for your cool vids!

Steve Ragle says:

Thanks for the shows and you telling us we can do this .I started on my car
this week .It is hard work but I like it

diyautoschool says:

There are now products like aircraft remover that are enviorment safe, and
I would suggest to use those over airplane stripper. Visit your local paint
and body shop supply store to find out more. Pete

coachD111 says:

Thanks Pete I learn a lot from your vids!

TeamMalo says:

I’d just like to say thanks so much for taking time to make these
videos,after an 8 year absence im re-starting to paint again because of
you, Thanks you all the way from Brownsville,TX Erik

G G says:

i know this is a little off topic but you do great work from what i can
see, which is better sand blasting or soda blasting, or dustless blasting
to remove paint and small amounts of rust.

diyautoschool says:

@neonnaranja Been to Brownsville before, thats a LONG DRIVE! glad to be of
help. Pete

HaggisFritter says:

I Didn’t know Tommy Lee Jones did DIY Bodywork…

diyautoschool says:

make sure you apply atleast 2 full wet coats possibly 3, and you will be
fine. Take it easy Pete

diyautoschool says:

@srissy007 sounds like a guitar song,, hummmmm, Ill have to check it out.

Toby's says:

My favorite stuff going on right here Pete. I just got a DA sander to start
working on my truck’s body. This series will help out tremendously.

diyautoschool says:

@TorqueRider2000 I didn’t look, but I believe so.

chark1981 says:

شكرًا لك الله يعطيك العافيه

Billy Murcer says:

wouldn’t want to get this man mad.

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