How to fix Blend Door jaguar s type & take off Blend Motor

How to fix Blend Door  jaguar s type & take off Blend Motor


Pedro’s Garage says:

Would this be the same or similar to a 05 XJ8-L? Driver side isn’t as cold as the passenger side.

WestCoastDP says:

Dude, get rid of the sub – bass music, can barely hear you. The video looks good though.

Shawauna Brown says:

Music drowns out your voice. I couldn’t hear you over your music

Ali Alex says:

The music you put killing me

Belmont Church says:

Can you tell me whether i need to take the dash out in order to replace the other actuator?

Teaching At Saint Mark's Square says:

Great help, Thanks… But Bro… That music sucks. Makes it hard to hear and understand you. And the music is much louder than your talking.

Jonathan Catlow says:

Repost without music

Life As Rob says:

Great video man! My mechanic was working on my car trying to fix what we think was the little door that opens and closes to let fresh air in or recirculate depending on what you select. He disconnected a motor or actuator that in a picture he sent me looks like the one you are handling in your video and he said when he unplugged it, he thought he heard a servo actuate and after that, the car will do nothing but blow hot air. Any ideas? 2007 S-Type 3.0.

My son is an Audi mechanic and he ran some tests and said that the control unit where you push the buttons to control the climate control seem to be working fine and we also already replaced the heater control valve. He said that we are getting a defrost code And a blend door actuator seems to be indicated as the problem.

Can you offer any thoughts or suggestions? You seem to be knowledgeable about these cars and the heat and AC systems on them. I would greatly appreciate it, sir.

Michael Cantrell says:

Man, I appreciate you so much.

LonzoJohnson OfTheEarth says:

What were the symptoms.

WeaselPrince says:

Straight playa move

Mannankhan Khattak says:

Hello sir.
I have problem need your help. on driver side its a little cool and on passenger side my ac blows hot air.
I checked the everything all is working even i checked the ac gas or ferion. Its ok.
Some mechanic told me need to change the condense and valves.
But when i did computer check it gave me this error.
recirculating air flow door actuator.
Please if you have video liplease share and guid.

Will appreciate.

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