How To Change Your Bass Strings

How To Change Your Bass Strings

Need to change a string or a complete set of strings on your bass? This Fender University video provides step-by-step instructions on how to get your bass ba…



Alex Burgess says:

“watch your eyes” Why do I find that one sentence funny?

juan rojas says:

Where can I customize a bass that color?

domingo siempre says:

in my 27 years experience 3 turns for the string is better , this gives
more life time to the strings and gives less tension .


Perfectly good spare strings wasted.

Ernesto Chang says:

in my 6 years of experience i never knew about the little hole in the
tuning pet :O now i know, i used to wind up the string first and then go
across the tunning peg so there would always be a 0.5 cm string sticking
out of every tuning pet LOL

Chat Bhakdibutr says:

If you watch Gibson,they would say 3 machineheads.Just confused!

Derek Patterson says:

thanks i cut my A string up to the D string post now it is to short do i
buy new strings or try to work around it

nessmalone says:

thank you

james kemp says:

What bass is it?

winston huggins says:

thanks Bro

Venom101002 says:

I agree with this method completely. There’s no reason to ever have to wind
the strings more than 2 times on a bass guitar. I’ve seen methods with 3 or
4. Ridiculous.

Tybok C says:

I change one at a time. D’Addario Pro-Steels are great strings. 

sjeverett75 says:

Ive only heard of boiling stainless strings to bring em back to life.

Squier Guitars by Fender says:

Fender University: How To Change Your Bass Strings How To Change Your Bass

maxcohen13 says:

Why on earth would anyone snip the strings off the guitar?

It’s ALWAYS a good idea to keep them in case you break one during a

Derek Monaghan says:

just curious…does this method not affect the tension on the neck…

Buck Fitches says:

man, your guitar will stand this little time without tension on the neck.
except it’s a $99 Walmart one maybe.

Ivan Chinaski says:

The two strats on each far side look so awesome! So beautiful :’)

iIVIagine says:

i love that bass

Nelson Nelson says:

is it necesarry to stretch them like on guitar strings?

gurey00 says:

I’ve heard boiling bass strings is a good way to clean them. Don’t know if
it’s an old wives tale though…

Eric C says:

yeah each time he cut the string.. i’m like.. “ouch.. $30 dollar is gone..”

SourLot says:

You are doing it all wrong

Ru1eBritann1a says:

They coloured the ends of the strings…Thanks, I’m colourblind :'(

jadarr1 says:

Who said anything about boiling the strings? No shit it will rust.

džiugas Jasukaitis says:

why do you have to cut them ? if by eny chance a new one brakes uoy kan
change it and if they are just dirty why not boil them?

edenite says:

well i know how to change strings but please keep vids like this comming!

SplinterFTW says:

omg why would you cut them, bass strings are so friggin expensive

t75ftw says:

not so much a big deal if you have a good instrument, good trussrod will
come back to the same place when using the same gauge strings…with a bad
instrument, do it one by one…

Carl Russell says:

That’s pretty much an old wives tale. I’ve tried it a two or three times
out of sheer curiosity and it doesn’t really do a whole lot, if anything it
made the strings sound even more rubbery and dull! 🙂

Deryan Dodsworth says:

If you don’t wanna cut them just unwind them completely. He works for
Fender so I’m sure he can afford some bass strings

Belgianidiot says:

I like to save my old strings and clean ’em off a little, in case I need an
replacement when one snaps..

Jerry Schwanebeck says:

There is no said time frame. Depends on the sound you’re looking for. If
you like the thump of the flatwounds you might leave them on for years and
years. I personally use Nickel and Stainless coated rounds. Once they
starting sounding dead I’ll pull them off. But they usually serve me a
couple of years. It’s all up to your ear.

TheOzzySabbath says:

what type of Jazz Bass is that? I love the finish

Nick Spaulding says:

YOU DON’T CUT THEM! If you have a string snap mid gig, dead strings are
very useful for getting you through the night. It might not sound as good,
but it doesn’t leave you 40-100 bucks out of pocket.

Azz93a says:

How much did fender pay daddairo for the ballend

Eric Beaudoin says:

He makes it look so easy!

GVike says:

Why does he remove ALL four strings at the same time? Wouldn’t that mess up
the neck a bit/some? I was taught to go one by one to maintain neck

Kimhojung43200115 says:

They didn’t break for 10 years?!

wupeide says:

WHY CUT THE STRINGS!!!??? Strange indeed!

BajistaLeo77 says:

thank’s for the information 🙂 More videos, More videos, More videos!!!!!!!!

GuitarFreak1901 says:

Who else is an experienced player and just watching the video because they
have nothing better to do?

back2thefutre says:

Why cut them?

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