Fixing Climate in Iceland | The New York Times

Fixing Climate in Iceland | The New York Times

CarbFix, a pilot program at Iceland’s Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Station, seeks to tackle climate change by injecting greenhouse gasses into the ground for…



Bigg Phill says:

Global warming is a lie. In fact all evidence shows the exact opposite. Now
they changed the name to climate change because they can’t continue
covering up the truth. 

Mr Coolbub says:

1 person who disliked has no heart. 1,000 views is nothing. They found a
potential solution to climate change, and yet this is ignored. 

annie46664 says:

Interesting … but awaiting Dutchsinse’s opinion before formulating one of
my own.
~Durban~ xox 

Chris Brosz says:

thanks // very interesting. constructive feedback — maybe back off the low
f-stops when filming the detail shots next time — out of focus a lot.

BlueTaurianBull says:

WOW… great … well done scientist…

hercules colon says:

greed is a powerfull addiction, hard to kick die hard.

Better Life says:

The oil companies will not let you. 

Terror350 says:

They just saved the planet, 700 views, Kim Kardashians ass, 700 million

Kyle Henricks says:

Bravo Iceland!! 

Gilberto Sepúlveda Bradford says:
Ross Stuart says:

This is exactly what we need, as it will give us time to switch over to
renewables in a way that preserves the economy. I hope this takes off.

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