Pitman arm puller fail!! – How to properly remove your ISUZU Trooper or Vehicross lower ball joints

Pitman arm puller fail!! – How to properly remove your ISUZU Trooper or Vehicross lower ball joints

The ISUZU workshop manual for the Vehicross and Trooper models recommends using a Pitman Arm Puller to remove the lower ball joint. This tool is from NAPA, a…



WillyLin says:

I removed my with the puller and a big hammer,, I knew the puller might break so I only tighten up a little everytime, and then I whacked many time and eventually the lower ball joint will pop off the knuckle.


acacrosby05 says:

damn, too bad that broke. why not just use a pickle fork and hammer. wreacks the boot but that doesnt matter if youre going to replace it any way. or you can undo lower shock and hit the lower controll arm really hard with a big hammer or short sledge. thats what i do and it works every time, no damage.

stickrpg23 says:

I took it back and got a refund. I’m looking for a durable one right now.

Joseph Ippolito says:

I brought the tool back with just the receipt and got a new one. You have to be super careful when centering this tool on the joint, as the metal used is not the best.

stickrpg23 says:

I had this happen to me less than an hour ago!
That brand must be crap, it was the first time I had ever used it.

turbomatt81 says:

Lol, that was funny, but snap on only buddy.

SuperdutyFriis says:

Crap! Hope you got it right!

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