Bad timing belt tensioner isuzu rodeo

Bad timing belt tensioner isuzu rodeo

This is what I found when I removed the timing belt cover and ran the engine on my noisy Isuzu Rodeo. It is as suspected but I have never seen a video showin…



Jimmy Wiley says:

Hey brother I have a 1996 ls rodeo and im trying to change my water pump do you have a how to?

Chris Marlow says:

Hello. Thanks for the video. To get the last plastic dust shield off, do you have to remove the main pully, harmonic balancer it might be called? I am pretty sure that to do that, if thats what you need to do, that I have to remove the radiator and use my impact to get that bolt off?


my cchrysler sebring does it off and on any off you guys know whats up

possum007 says:

You have to remove all three covers together, so it’s a lot of bolts. I think you can get the top two off without removing the pulley so you can get a look. I do recall some bolts being shared between both covers so I’ll bet thats your problem; do both sides. I dont remember the procedure any more. Go pick up a service manual for some more specifics.

mcypressbc says:

how many bolts did it take to remove the timing belt cover. i took off 3 bolts on my rodeo and couldn’t get the cover off

Yomi Soaga says:

could this be the cause of overheating too?
because i have a 1997 isuzu rodeo that overheat, i replace the radiator and thermostat, it still overheat and i hear the knocking sounds too.

possum007 says:

What is really the cause is a bad tensioner. People use words wrong all of the time but I suspect that a reference to the actuator is regarding the arm and roller that the tensioner would press against.

rotatemenu says:

same problem with my 1996 model.
what is really the cause? and is there a difference between the actuator and the tensioner????


sejohnson87 says:

my 1996 is doing the same deal

aprilrose5879 says:

What Year is your Rodeo?

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