Party Based RPG Demo Game: Unity Editor Install Walkthrough {Game Modules 4 for Unity Game Dev}

Party Based RPG Demo Game: Unity Editor Install Walkthrough {Game Modules 4 for Unity Game Dev}

The 1st Person Party Based RPG Demo Game is FREE on the Unity Asset Store, for Game Module users. It demonstrates most of the Game Module 4 modules in a real game setting.

To install follow these steps, shown in the video:

1. Open a NEW 2023.3 LTS project, built-in render pipeline.
2. Install Game Modules 4 from Package Manager
3. Install the Party Based RPG Demo Game from Package Manager
4. Open the “Game Modules Manager” window from the “Game Modules” drop down menu, if it isn’t already open, and click the “Properties” button.
5. Click “Create Properties”
6. Open the /Scenes/ folder, and add the four scenes to the Build Settings window.
7. Open the Title scene, click play, and explore!

Make YOUR game with Game Modules:


Game Modules is an incredibly versatile toolbox, featuring interconnected modules, specifically designed to assist Unity Game Developers in creating, organizing, and harnessing data for the creation of any genre of game, be it RPGs, FPS, Tower Defense games, and beyond. Configure it to your needs, and witness as it operates with remarkable autonomy, streamlining your game development process.

Uniquely, Game Modules doesn’t impose a rigid framework or dictate how your game functions – there’s no forced adaptation to a particular game style or type. Rather, it offers you the reins to control how your game plays. Whether you’re designing an intricate RPG with complex character interactions and dynamic world-building, a fast-paced FPS requiring meticulous optimization and asset management, or a strategy-heavy Tower Defense game with countless enemy types and upgrade paths, Game Modules exists to accelerate your development process.

Unleash your creativity as a Unity Developer and maintain your game’s unique flavor. With Game Modules, your visions can be transformed into reality more swiftly and efficiently than ever.

Whatever your game design aspirations are, Game Modules is here to fuel your creativity, streamline your workflow, and elevate your game development journey.

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Felix Schmidt says:

I am looking forward to the future release of the project and following along. I really like the asset and Version 4 will be a big game changer 🙂

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