How to Remove the Brake Rotor from a 2006 Hyundai Sonata

How to Remove the Brake Rotor from a 2006 Hyundai Sonata

I sprayed an oil penetrant to loosen the rusts then used a mallet to knock the sides of the rotor, used a hammer to bang here and there but no success. I was…



Glenn Ford says:

Great idea, what size bolts did you use? I tried 1/2″x3″ but they were too
large in diameter.

shul0018 says:

Thank you for the video. I was at a loss.

goddamesmith64 says:

Thanks saved my ass lol

Laura Myers says:

I did that too, but even after I broke it loose, it still took beating the
heck out of it to get it off. It was so rusted it wouldn’t just simply
slide off the lugs. I had to work at it for 30 mins with a big metal
mallet. Got blisters on both my thumbs. :-/

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