iPhone 6 Plus vs Liquid Nitrogen

iPhone 6 Plus vs Liquid Nitrogen

iPhone 6 Plus vs Liquid Nitrogen – RatedRR Click here to subscribe: http://goo.gl/mZDvQ Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/RichardRyan Facebook: http://www.Face…



ThickBeet says:

You could’ve send that phone and nitrogen to Africa…
Children are starving god damn it !

MegaBubbleGamer1 says:

These guys are out buying 6 IPhone 6’s and i’m still stuck with the IPhone

Thelearner1000 says:

please delete your account as it is useless to show this kinda stupid
stuff. anything subjected to the extreme cold temperatures will break, just
freeze and throw it on the ground, no need for a hammer you moron!!

Philipp H. says:

Ich glaube so langsam, von den ca 10 Millionen Iphones die verkauft wurden,
wurden 1 Million für Bentgates ,Droptests und Solche Tests verbraucht:D

Diminmir says:

OMG 6 Plus 64Gb is a salary of an average Russian man for TWO months.
That’s my salary for 2.5 months!!! If you somehow scratch one of your
iPhones and you feel like you want only brand new ones for your barbaric
tests, please, be my Dedushka Moroz (Santa) for this New Year’s or
Christmas later on Jan.7 I’ll be happy even if you send me 5s, no problem
🙂 Век помнить буду, чесслово ;)

Krownn BG says:


HintOf TheGinge says:

idiots who waste money like this just for fun, disgracefull

sxphie_xo says:

stop hating!! it’s his money therefore he can spend it on whatever he
likes. It’s his life so he can make the decision on what he wants to do
with it. respect this! even if it is pointless, YouTube is his job and he
earns the money from making these videos.

Ema Sindjic says:

Some kids SOOOO want that phone, a some kids dont even have phone, U ARE

Marcelo Henrique says:

I liked because i’m a Galaxy user.

Joe Blow says:

You know, I hear it’s actually safer to *not* use gloves when dealing with
liquid nitrogen, or any other extremely cold liquid, simply because your
bare hand is so hot in comparison, it just kind of boils off fairly quickly
if you get some on you, or just rolls off your skin, and never really
touches you (unless you hold it in your hand for more than a second or
two). If you have gloves on though, the super cold liquid can seep into the
glove and then stay in there and burn your hand.

Edit: In the comments below, I was told this is called “The Leidenfrost

However, those gloves looked fairly water/liquid nitrogen proof, so I guess
you were safe. Not that I really give a shit anyway, just mentioning
something that I remember hearing about what not to do when handling super
cold liquids.

I guess the container storing the liquid could have been cold, but I think
that’s doubtful, as I’d imagine they’d have some sort of double wall in
them to prevent heat/cold exchange. 

Cristo Harijan says:

So this is what they put in drinks to make them smoke at Halloween

Slightly functional Porygon-Z says:

Do a nokia 

Érico Lisboa says:

Each Iphone destroyed could buy a lot of food for those who need it in poor
countries…. and you doing stupid things like this. you stupid bastard.

Poppa Bear says:

This is stupid attention whore style youtube in action, meant to drive
users and subs to this channel.. Absolutely pointless. I saw it pop up as a
recommended video, so I’m here.. guess it worked. I just don’t get the
point of any of this. I have designed a couple of products for Apple in the
past and worked close with them for years, but I simply don’t see the point
in any of this. If you freeze anything down near 60-70 Kelvin, the
molecular structure slows down, thus making the material extremely brittle.
Maybe entertain us with freezing ISIS members down to Zero Kelvin and hit
them with a piece of bacon or a bible next time. You’d get about 100
million more views and be doing something constructive for society instead
of wasting bandwidth on iphone tests that have no legitimate purpose.

Suwandi Loo says:

So critical

migfsx says:

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Sorry, I just dropped my bag of Doritos.

Gamer Comedy says:

OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! i could have that i phone 6 +

Youchi1101 says:

Говно ваши яблокофоны

Storm Manning says:

You do know your not supposed to use gloves with liquid nitrogen 

Jürgen Kamerling says:

Haut sie kaputt die teuren Geräte. Denkt aber immer dran das es noch Kinder
gibt die kein Täglich Brot , kein Dach über den Kopf und keine
gesundheitliche Versorgung haben …..

Hyago Fillypi says:

Eu Querendo Um IPhone 6 E Vocês Quebrando

Bas TrainsNL says:

Iphone 6 sucks.

Ethan Smith says:

I dropped my Nokia 3310 in liquid nitrogen. The glass broke before I
dropped the 3310.

Anna Diamond says:

And…what’s the point of this video?AGAIN?

CodeRed says:

It’s hilarious how all these people are commenting on here saying “but NO
phone can withstand liquid nitrogen, OMG this isn’t a realistic torture
test!!!!!” but they are apparently missing the part where he smashed it
with a sledge hammer….cuz you know…..that’s a realistic torture test

In any case, it was entertaining :)

mahamud elmi says:

All he does is destroy Priceless Tech…

eastlondonhustler says:

Pah! “Premium build”
Proof that Apple is lying!

Erfan Tabrizi says:

░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░

Raul Hurtado says:

which camera you used 1:50 minutes ?

Unknown says:

Wat teh fuk is dis baeld rusian gui breking ifone 4 kno reshun wat teh
fuk?!?! I bet I ken stel I t frum hem wit ma gps n trac down hes adres. Dat
ifone sic coldve ben am drem fone. N dis gui is riunig it 4 ma.

Emerson Pereira says:

Great videos, excelent weapons. If one day an Iphone survive, please send
it to me, it will be a great Christmas present.

Dickq Pratama says:

what the helll.. you should buy this for borken…. preety cool.. i think
you loved android

Jayden Mann says:

Hey the learner. shut up dude.your just jealous 

Virginia Carvalho says:

Why don’t you just but it for the people who does not have a phone instead
of breaking it?-,- that’s so rude…

Trayethell says:

no goggles? damn you 😀
just kidding, looks good

henchdan1 says:

Turns me on seeing iPhones getting smashed to pieces 

Juan Henandez says:

Why did you fucking do that pu$$y bitch ass

Demi Solo says:

Why yall mad you don’t have money to waste on breaking phones ?

Josiha Claybon says:

I should have have it to me I’m 16 and ha e never had a phone

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