Does the iPhone 6 Plus Bend with a Case?

Does the iPhone 6 Plus Bend with a Case?

Does the iPhone 6 Plus Bend with a Case? iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test: I’m giving away 50 iPhone 6 and 6 Plus cases with Spigen! just …



Jonathan Morrison says:


Jonathan Morrison says:

My good buddy Lew from +Unbox Therapy put the iPhone 6 Plus through the
#Bendgate test, so I was curious if throwing a case on would help fix that.
#ExtremeSitting +Austin Evans +UrAvgConsumer 

Austin Evans says:

Any phone that survives extreme sitting gets a thumbs up from me. 

Chua Yu Xi says:

Samsung phone bends
Nobody cares, everyone say it’s invisible
Iphone bends
The whole word screams, the world protests apple without knowing all they
needed was a case or a non-tight jeans

Prodigy says:

This is nothing, Caucasians have everything in life so easy. Back when I
lived in Ethiopia I had to travel more 160 kilometers every single day just
to get 1 hour of school time. I would come home to little food and the
minuscule food I would get through out the day was what I scavenged for on
my way to school. Now I love in America where everything is so easy and
life is so simple, there is no real ambition. Here the homeless are lazy,
but in my home country the homeless were the ones that worked the hardest!

Tormod Fyhn says:

bendgate is fucking retarded. of course it will bend if you bend it or but
it in your pocket all day. its a delicate piece of technolgy that you need
to take care’s not buildt to be industuctable. that beeing said if
you use in a normal way and dont put in your troucer pocket (which you
should not do anyway because it can cause cancer) your phone will be fine..

Benedict Joyce says:

Why create a beautiful phone and ruin it with an ugly case? Just my honest
opinion. I have the first generation MotoX and I have never put a case on

r Negoro says:

If Xiao Mi bends the whole world wouldn’t care coz it’s cheap. If samsung
bends , part of the world condemns them. If apple Bends, the whole world
condemns them……. COZ it’s MORE EXPENSIVE, but it’s more expensive coz
of the software. Apple Sheeps claim android phones lag (etc), which is
true until you use Cynanogen mod. 

Olivia Lauer says:

It only bends bc they try to see if it bends by bending it

NikolaJXPL says:

Huh, Apple fanboys are talking about how good apple phones and how great
build quality they have and that Androids are a piece of plastic shit…yet
the iPhone bemds and is a real piece of shit! 

@c30f$p@d3z says:

I never understood people thinking it was a “good idea” to sit on
electronics (especially electronics with a display).

I mean, we wouldn’t fault console makers for developing mobile platforms
that couldn’t have 80, 90 or 100+ pounds on top of them. And those weights
dont included load increases due to momentum. So when you’re sitting or
plopping down at a 100lb body weight, the load put upon your device may be
1.5x or more that amount.

Oh look at that beautiful 5.5″ display. I think I’ll plop the whole of my
body mass down on it.

Deborah Dala says:

Hi! So first, was a very good video!
But i don’t like the case, i have an iPhone 6 and i’m very afraid of
bending it in the pocket of my jeans. Could you do a test like this with a
slimmer case?
That would be very cool! 

Derek May says:

Hi if the case giveaway is still going on I would be really great full for
any case. Like most people I’m on a two year contract for my iPhone 6 so I
just don’t want it to bend at all because I’ll have to wait two years till
my next phone so I just want any case for my iPhone so I don’t run into any
problems in the future of your interested in the case I’m most interested
in it would be the clear case so I can show of the true beauty of the
phone, thanks for your time if you read this and hope you can get back too
me , thanks.

Tanner Faust says:

Pretty much all I hear from Samsung fans is “oh apple fan boys are so
brainwashed” NIGGA no we aren’t. we know exactly what were buying. Just
because we like apple….even if it “bends”…..does not make us
brainwashed. Samsung is a cool great fabulous phone i can respect that, but
so is apple. The two phones are great. If you like samsung then buy a
samsung. If you like apple then buy an apple, but dont bitch eachother out.
None of us end up convincing the other to switch phones. i understand that
people will always fight but if you are going to fight at least learn facts
and dont just say I am “brainwashed” there dick.

Avalon Morpho says:

God. The marketing of Apple is damn good if people are willing 700 bucks
for a phone that bends. They do make their models stylish I have to admit
even I want it. The problem is its just ttoo simple for me. I need
something capable to do more. Not Samsung or Sony. Samsung is too complex
and Sony just aint got the look I like. Maybe Qmobile…

Jordan Stockpile says:

Do you no much force was used to bend this phone in both videos? I think
everyone will be fine. Unless you are trying to grind a rail with your ass
using the iphone as a skateboard you have nothing to worry about.

EmcSqrd says:

Nobody wants their phone to bend. They’re expensive, period. I just got a 6
Plus and I’m concerned because it’s expensive. 

7F0X7 says:

Um no. why do you make a film cut every time you pull it out of the case to
check it? That’s bullshit. you could have swapped the phone out during
those cuts. Why did you hold your hands over phone rather than around the
sides when trying to bend it? Why did you make yet ANOTHER camera cut every
time you switched from showing your hands on the phone to you exerting your
arm muscles? This reeks of corporate sponsored damage control. You are a
fake and a liar and shame on you.

xmetrix xmetrix says:

perhaps you should try bending it the same way the other guy did. From the
outer edges. More leverage that way. Oh well. 

xLOLxGAMINGx says:

who the hell puts their phone in their back pocket? back pockets is for
wallets, left pocket is for phone and right pocket is for keys. Thats how I
do it anyway :)

imthegtaplayer1 says:

Everybody saying that the iPhone 6 Plus is total crap just because it
bends. Does a bent phone make it useless? No. It’ll still work the same way
it would even if it was in mint condition. Plus, the simple solution is to
just put a plastic case on it. I do know that there are silicon case as
well (they bend a lot), and I find that pretty stupid. People also complain
that it bends in their pockets when sitting, but you could simply just
bring it out of your pocket when sitting down. Really. It’s not that hard.
Just gonna throw this out there because a lot of people seem to put the
phone down just for the bending issue. Other than that, it’s just as good
as other phones. 

adeel hussain says:

i want iPhone 6 Plus Slim Armor

Jim Barber says:

Extreme sitting!

turtle says:

No worries, i always wear basketball pants. but it will slip out my pocket

Mike Oporto says:

iphone 6 plus still flex though even with spigen, i think the only way is
to go aluminum cases

Jonas M.H says:

Idiots this COSTs Money. Use this Money to charity Our something that makes
sense. Dont destroy Phones that are totally usable. IDIOTS

Keshav Joshi says:

This case is crap. I had my iphone 6+ in Spigen and accidently dropped it
from about 2 ft while kneeling. The screen cracked and I had to get it
replaced. I promptly searched for Otterbox and loving it

Brent Perkinson says:

Hi Jonathan. Thanks for doing that test for us. That was really helpful
and I have passed it along to all of my friends/family with the phone. I
like the Satin Silver Tough Armor.

Tecnovlog says:

what’s a champer?

Sam Hopper says:

I would like to get iPhone 6+ gunmetal tough case.I got an idea , cases
like those in that video are good , but what if you made that case magnetic
so the iPhone doesn’t bend because it has such strong force to stay it
doesn’t bend or slip out.

Sultan Mehairi says:

Ha it does I was playing karting and it bended

josh long says:

Well, lets see. Im almost positive any phone is not designed to be bend
forcibly on purpose…so yea

April Pierce says:

And this is why you buy the expensive-yet-worthwhile Otterbox Defender. Yes
it adds bulk to an already large phone, but it is SO worth the money and
size because it protects the crap out of your phone. The only downside is
that the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are still so new that Otterbox fucked up with
its first line of cases and made it so the built-in screen protector has a
small gap between the screen and the plastic, making it so you have to
really press more deliberately rather than just glide your fingers across.
Annoying, but still worth it all considering. :)

Ghofran El Marioud says:

who would bend the phone full force?!! no one would take their phone and
start bending it full force would they?!

JG-GAMER says:

Who else skipped to the part where they bend the iphone :)

SaifJailbreakHelp says:

Which one should i buy the 6 Plus or the 6 ??

backspace4093 says:

I would probably have a stroke if I bent mine. Those cases are pretty cool
. I have a otter-box on mine it makes it look bulky.

Mario says:

Having such bend tests on phones is same stupid as having a bend test on
your arm. Bring me any phone and I bet it will bend when enough force is
applied. Also it’s supremely easy to fake a bend test. Take a item, stretch
your arms, try to “bend” it and just flex your arm muscles, so arms start
to shake.

Wade Sultan says:


TheFallenPixel says:

these videos are stupid any fuckin phone will bend when you put that much
pressure on it and your a dumb fuck if you actually put your phone through

rohan mohite says:

Iphone6 spigen slim armore case

inaya khan says:

Oops really sad with that music

Eli V says:

i would really just love the black one 

Chloe Smith says:

If it is in your pocket it you won’t use all your might to bend it you can
bend it only if you want to

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